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MRI Forum
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judy vitanza

Thu. 26 Jun.14,

[Reply (16 of 17) to:
'ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP'
started by: 'Gerald Del Castillo'
on Fri. 30 Nov.07]


ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP
You can sit for the Exam, (this is kind of a new rule). Once you pass the ARRT exam, apply for your state license. In NY, you can apply for license to inject contrast materials at the same time or after you have a state license, but you have to document RN has trained and comped you and MD signs off that you are competent.

The first step is to contact the ARRT. Just go on line google ARRT and seach MRI exam content specs, review the content specs for the exam and start studying!! Good Luck.
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Trent Mcl

Sat. 1 Feb.14,

[Start of:
'MRI of knee ? bone fragment (pic attached)'
0 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

MRI of knee ? bone fragment (pic attached)
Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone can help me with the provisional diagnosis of my MRI of my R knee. The technician said appears to be a fracture. Was walking down stairs at work and landed hard on R leg. Pain since.

Can anyone confirm this with attached MRI image. It appears to me a fragment is there but i could be very wrong.

I got ortho review in 5 days.

Any help is much appreciated


Paramedic, Australia
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Reader Mail

Mon. 2 Dec.13,

[Reply (15 of 17) to:
'ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP'
started by: 'Gerald Del Castillo'
on Fri. 30 Nov.07]


ARMRIT to ARRT pathway - - - HELP
Checking in to this forum which is linked from a Google search, "ARRT vs. ARMRIT." Regarding the July 2011 response to my March posting that same year: Have there been any significant changes in the job market in this regard? This post appears to have come from MRI School of Minnesota directly, or someone similar. Understandable, then, that ARMRIT would be defended by someone with such vested interests. There are two points of view that should be distinguished: educators or representatives of ARMRIT who profit whether or not their students finish the course, let alone graduate or find employment in the field. And those earnest ARMRIT certificate bearers who legitimately question the worth of their investment, and want to share their experiences for the benefit of their peers. I am part of the group with this point of view, shared legitimately on this forum. The post continues, suggesting: "It wasn't ARMRIT, buddy--it was YOU they didn't like. Your interview stank!" While not a very clever assertion (and impossible to substantiate) it is nonetheless conceivable that CDI or Regions Hospital, after interviewing me, immediately interviewed and hired another MRI School Of Minnesota graduate. Something unlikely, but what we truly hope for. What the responder to my post and I have in common is the hope that ARMRIT certification becomes recognized, and that this happens soon enough to benefit those of us who are now repaying the loans required to get certified. As for the conversation on this forum (which unfortunately appears to be obscure), each of us has something to do. I will make sure my tie is straight and I've prepared well for the interview. You, in turn might make sure to give us the courtesy of stating your reasons for defending the certifying body (ARMRIT) while casting aspersions on an earnest job-seeker you yourselves certified. Your post seems to defend ARMRIT rather than the hard-working people who earn it.
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geo log

Wed. 9 Oct.13,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Merging stacks'
started by: 'Llion Roberts'
on Thu. 26 Sep.13]

Applications and Examinations

Merging stacks
Easily done on Siemens, should be possible on GE. Don't know about others.
Siemens: In the "VIEWING" tab start with stack ( 1 ). Select the series and "Save As" to a new name. Then, go to stack ( 2 ), select the series and choose APPEND TO AN EXISTING..... from the "Save As" options. Do the same for stack ( 3 ).
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Giselle Perdigonz

Mon. 23 Sep.13,

[Reply (1 of 4) to:
'2013 registry'
started by: 'Reader Mail'
on Thu. 19 Sep.13]

Basics and Physics

2013 registry
I am at about to take the registry net week I just got the MIC from a friend and there is a lot of formulas that I dont see on the Registry review that I have been studying from...hopefully I will get something from the MIC...I am still going to take my chance if someone have any tips more than welcome pls email me at

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