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MRI Forum
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Renate S.

Thu. 5 May.16,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Contrast on an 3T'
started by: 'Roos van Wieringen'
on Mon. 2 May.16]


Contrast on an 3T
Studies (for example , ) suggest that contrast enhancement of gadolinium is increased at higher field strengths. That can be used to lower the dose or receive higher contrast effects. It also depends on the contrast sensitivity of the used sequences and the examined body part.
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John Smith

Wed. 11 Nov.15,

[Start of:
'Faster pulse sequences'
0 Reply]


Faster pulse sequences
I have been learning about faster MRI sequences and have two questions

1) With "Fast (Turbo) gradient echo", in which we apply a spoiler gradient, do we not eventually end up with no longitudinal magnetization because TR is always shorter than T1? Hence shouldn't we eventually get no signal at all?

2) in SSFP (Steady-state free precession) we can apply an RF pulse of 90 degrees (in which T1>>T2) to get heart-blood contrast. How is this any different to a standard spin-echo sequence in terms of timing?

Thank you
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Abhi Batra

Sun. 10 May.15,

[Start of:
'Is there T1*?'
0 Reply]


Is there T1*?
We always talk about T2*. Is there anything like T1*. If yes than what is difference between T1 and T1*
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marc jupin

Thu. 26 Mar.15,

[Start of:
'receiver gain in siemens trio'
0 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

receiver gain in siemens trio
Hi, we measured a phantom with two receiver gain option: LOW and HIGH (available from parameters).
We would like to calculate the difference in signal intensity, but unfortunately the rda files headers do not contain any information about the receiver gain value.
Does anyone have a clue how I could find the receiver gain value?
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Steven Ford

Tue. 5 Aug.14,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
started by: 'Belinda Williams'
on Mon. 21 Jul.14]



It would be helpful if you would add a photo, even if you take a cellphone photo of your screen and blot out the name.

You did not say, but is this a new problem?

In general, if one orientation looks worse than others, you may have a magnet shim problem; you can crudely test this yourself by using a cylinder type phantom and doing an identical scan in three planes. A shim problem would affect T2's more than T1 or PD images also.

There is always a possibility that your sequences have changed without you realizing it too; check this even if you don't know how that would have happened.

Steven Ford
Professional Imaging Services, Inc.
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