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MRI Forum
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izhak david

Sun. 14 Jun.09,

[Start of:
'need some help to indentify a process'
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Applications and Examinations

need some help to indentify a process
hello all , i need osme help solving out a question i need to get credit for in the university.

i was givven test's results and i need to find the process (stroke , AS etc. ).

increased ADC in the superior long. Fasc., insular cortex, hippocampus.

PET dopamine - no specific evidences

31P-Spec decreased phosphocreatine at the dorsal prefronal cortex

prolonged T2 mainly in parietal post central gyrus, others occipital and temportal regions show similar changes.

MRI libmic:
reduced acitivty is cingulate cortex and DLPFC and other limbic system areas

if u have an answer or an idea to which other mri tests i need to ask , i whould to hear it.
thank you
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Maricella Sauceda

Thu. 16 Oct.08,

[Start of:
'Translation of MRI Result - Help'
0 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

Translation of MRI Result - Help
Okay... So below is what the MRI breakdown tells me, can someone tell me if I should definitely be worried... I think it says I have brain lessions associated to sinus problems, but then they said it might be a sign of MS? HELP... Any additional clarity will be greatly appreciated...

Technique: Sequences spin - echo-enhanced in T1, T2 protons and density, flair at the axial, sagittal and coronal, 5 mm thick.

Small punctate signals focal hypo-intense in T1 and hypertensive in the other sequences and without apparent mass effect in the lobar white matter and subcortical frontal, bilateral parietal subcortical and peri-ventricular the atriums of both lateral ventricles.
Others are not displayed disturbances of encephalic parenchyma or blood collections or intra extraxiales. The medulla oblongata, pons and the cerebral peduncles with normal morphology and signal. Tanks of the base, the subarachnoid space and the cortical ventricular system above and infratentorial not dilated, without compression or movement.
Thickening of the lining which is the frontal sinuses, ceidillas etmoidales and maxillary sinuses, in the latter left with the presence of liquid level.

Many small pictures that compromise the lobar white matter and subcortical frontoparietal and peri-ventricular atrial bilateral and that although might be nonspecific, it is not possible to rule out entirely demyelinating etiology, so it must be correlated with the clinic's patient, findings of physical examination and clinical-. A new study of control in timely fashion or according to clinical course can be useful.
Pan-chronic sinusitis with signs of acute in the left maxillary sinus.
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Reader Mail

Sun. 27 Jan.08,

[Start of:
'Plz Answer this ... Contrast MRI of Brain'
1 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

Plz Answer this ... Contrast MRI of Brain
Pre and Post contrast mri of the brain was performed in multiple planes using T1 & T2 W spin-echo sequence.

There is small ring enhancing lesion in the left occipitoparietal lobe which measures 1cm in diameter.It reveals isointense periphery on T1 & T2W images with hyperintense core on T2W images. On T1W images the core appears hypointense . A tiny mural nodule is seen within the lesion. focal perilesional edema is seen appearing hyperintense on FLAIR and T2W images.

The brainstem & cerebellum are normal.
The ventricular system is normal.
No abnormal meningeal enhancement is seen.
Intracranial vessels display normal flow void.

What needs to be done?? How serious the problem is??
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andri anto

Fri. 25 May.07,

[Reply (4 of 6) to:
'Brain Protocol'
started by: 'Oscar Cidri'
on Tue. 7 Sep.04]


Brain Protocol
Hi Oscar
The basic for head exam
Ax T1-WI, Ax T2-WI, Ax-Diffusion(DWI), Ax Flair, Cor T1 or T2, Sag T1 or T2, if any lession and suspect tumor, u can give Ax T1, Sag T1, Cor T1 with contrast injection.
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Scott Lytle

Thu. 4 Jan.07,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
'ETL for a STIR'
started by: 'Shaun Schofield'
on Thu. 30 Mar.06]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

ETL for a STIR
It depends.

When Centric echo allocation is used you have higher SNR, a low TE, but more image blurring. Very similar to a PD. I prefer an echo train of less than 8 in this case.

When Sequential echo allocation is used you have lower SNR, a higher TE (I prefer less than a TE of 60), but significantly less image blurring. Very similar to a T2 or FLAIR. In this case your echo train length is governed by your TE and image blurring is not usually an issue. Depending on how short of an inter-echo time you can use, and by keeping an eye on the TE, the echo train can be as high as you want.

Hope this helps.
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