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MRI Forum
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Reader Mail

Tue. 26 Jul.11,

[Start of:
'MR750: ASSET Artifact or 32 Channel coil?'
1 Reply]

Funktional MRI

MR750: ASSET Artifact or 32 Channel coil?

We are performing fMRI on a GE MR750 Discovery.
As you can see we get artifacts when performing DTI and fMRI.
It looks like herringbones or spikes artifacts. But it appears only at the very top slices where there is generally no more brain.
One possible explanation is that ASSET will produce the artifact where there is no signal.
Another explanation would be that some element of the 32 channel coil is going mad.
Has anybody experienced the same artifact?

Thank you.
DTI artifact

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Reader Mail

Mon. 30 Oct.06,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'interleaved slices and mean intensity difference in adjacent slices'
started by: 'Reader Mail'
on Wed. 4 Oct.06]


interleaved slices and mean intensity difference in adjacent slices
With interleaved slice acquisition for example in each TR first the odd slices, and then the even slices are acquired. Differences in signal intensity may occur by changes between these acquisitions (like movement), especially with a long TR. In particular, for fMRI sequences with interleaved slice acquisition a slice time correction is recommended to get accurate measurements.
However, I think "large" signal intensity differences with interleaved slices (except fMRI) are rarely seen with usual sequences and sufficient processing (interpolation) algorithms.
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Frank Wasserman

Mon. 7 Nov.05,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Head Coil'
started by: 'M Shultz'
on Mon. 7 Nov.05]

Funktional MRI

Head Coil
A researcher who uses our system got a post card from a company:
He asked me if I have ever heard of them, and I thought I saw them at ISMRM but I don’t remember. Their head coil looks like more of an fMRI coil, but the lack of material in front of the face looks really nice for patients.

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M Shultz

Mon. 7 Nov.05,

[Start of:
'Head Coil'
1 Reply]

Funktional MRI

Head Coil
I have a colleague who wants to use our 3T for an fMRI experiment and is looking for a good head coil for this. Any good suggestions?
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