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MRI Forum
'parallel imaging'
Result: Searchterm 'parallel imaging' found in 4 messages
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Jacob Newton

Thu. 7 Oct.10,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'How does TE affect DWI acquisition?'
started by: 'danilo Scelfo'
on Wed. 29 Sep.10]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

How does TE affect DWI acquisition?
I never tried to shorten only the echo time while keeping all other parameters the same, but I would expect a change in SNR and artifact appearance. I would use parallel imaging methods to get a shortest possible echo time. Parallel imaging provides DWI with shorter echo trains associated with further reduction of the echo and repetition times, which reduces susceptibility effects and also image blurring. Additionally, the shorter echo time may lead to changes in ADC measurement.
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Michael Oliver

Sat. 27 May.06,

[Reply (1 of 3) to:
'ETL for a STIR'
started by: 'Shaun Schofield'
on Thu. 30 Mar.06]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

ETL for a STIR
I prefer a range from 5-12 (but using shorter TE and TR). High echo trains can lead to blurring, image noise and contrast inhomogeneities.
Parallel imaging can reduce the longer scan time of low ETLs; also often 1 NSA is enough for sufficient SNR.

Hope this helps!
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Tomas Randell

Thu. 16 Dec.04,

[Reply (2 of 4) to:
'CE MRA of the Liver'
started by: 'bob mitchell'
on Sun. 5 Dec.04]

Applications and Examinations

CE MRA of the Liver
Like lily lily we use a muliphase MRA with 3 phases (artery, portal vein and late phase).
We use an amount of 30 ml Gadolinium with an injection rate of 5 ml/sec. With this high flow rate, you get a more concentrated bolus and therefore a higher contrast for the second phase. We use CENTRA k-space acquisition and reduce the scan time with SENSE (a parallel imaging technique like ASSET ), this will help for a better timing.
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Schmidt Marga

Sat. 17 Apr.04,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Moire fringing'
started by: 'Kelly Wimpey'
on Tue. 6 Apr.04]


Moire fringing
Moire fringes are typical for gradient echo sequences, especially balanced sequences like for example true fisp, bFFE. The reasons are interferences and field inhomogeneities. High order shimming (volume shimming), a more suitable coil, a smaller bandwidth, and scanning not in the edges of the magnetic field will avoid or reduce this artifact. Also parallel imaging techniques can have a positive influence. If this artifact appears, also by using other sequences, a new field adjustment can be necessary (service).
Hope this will help.
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