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Oleg Borodin

Thu. 9 Aug.07,

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'T1 measurements on 1.5T scaner'
0 Reply]

Basics and Physics

T1 measurements on 1.5T scaner
Dier colleges

I have same trouble with counting T1 of the gadolinium solution.

There are six fantom with gadolinium solution in 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 mmol/l. Fantoms scanned with pulse sequences SE with TR equal 50, 100, 200, 300, 400 ... 4000 ms. For each fantom calculated T1 by iteractive minimizing technique the equation: S(TR)=M0*(1-exp(-TR/T1))

At the result, I have six T1: 72, 170, 255, 403, 725, 1474 ms.

How can I calculate T1 and R1 of the pure solution of contrast media?
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andri anto

Fri. 25 May.07,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'What´s this in L3?'
started by: 'Rob van den Dobbelsteen'
on Sat. 10 Mar.07]

Applications and Examinations

What´s this in L3?
You just give t2 sagital WI, that not enough for determined what the problem in L3 spine, better you asked to radiologist and show all the MRI picture. Cause i saw there lession in corpus L3 and bulging in discus L3-l4 (HNP). To know more about something in Corpus L3 you must have all sequence in MRI Lumbal exam.

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andri anto

Mon. 14 May.07,

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Sequences and Imaging Parameters

Anyone!!! give me data about Sequences and Imaging Parameters for MRI Thosiba. I'm at
Help me please....
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Anne Nelson

Tue. 8 May.07,

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'Proton Density and FOV'
2 Replies]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

Proton Density and FOV
I've been told that proton density sequences don't work well with a large field of view. (approx 350-400) Is this the case, and why?

Thanks in advance,

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Reader Mail

Tue. 6 Mar.07,

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'fluid PD vs T2 weighting'
1 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

fluid PD vs T2 weighting
Can anyone explain me, why - considering SE sequences with the same TR - fluid in a PD weighting (short TE) should have less signal than in a T2 weighting (long TE)? eg:
Fig 10, p 1397; radiographics resident tutorial: contrast mechanisms in spin echo MR imaging; Radiographics 1994; 14; pp 1389-1404

I would expect that the signal intensity of any tissue (regardless of it Proton density of T2-relaxation time) should decrease with increasing echo time.

Thank you
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