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Gaurav Sharma

Thu. 13 May.04,

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'MRI Pulse Sequence Design'
0 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

MRI Pulse Sequence Design
I am a student in Medphysics track and am deeply intrested in MRI pulse sequence design . I wanted to know if someone could comment about taking MRI sequence design as a career and what is the scope of the research in future. Would the designers be dispensible if once the desired requirements are met ?
Thanking you
Gaurav Sharma
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gianluca turcatel

Mon. 10 Jan.22,

[Start of:
'IDEAL sequence help'
1 Reply]


IDEAL sequence help
I was given MRI images of the liver of patients, taken with LMS IDEAL optimized low flip. I need to calculate the pdff. I have 72 images per patient with echotime ranging from 1.2ms to 11.2 ms. How do I identify which is the fat, water OP,IN images?
Thank you so much. and yes I am relative new to MRI imaging.
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Karen Lesley

Sat. 21 May.11,

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'Best pulse sequences for spinal cord demyelination?'
3 Replies]

Applications and Examinations

Best pulse sequences for spinal cord demyelination?
Hi all. I wonder if you can help? A friend has asked me to recommend the best protocols to detect demyelination. She is about to pay a fortune for a private 3T scan and doesn't want to waste her money. Problem is, although I know a fair bit about the brain, I know next to nothing about the spinal cord! I understand that FLAIR is not optimal in the spinal cord, but I'm getting mixed messages about what is from my reading. Is it FSE?! Any advice really gratefully received! Thanks :-)
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Riccardo Melis

Tue. 24 Sep.24,

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'Bruker Paravision 4.0 Type of Image Reconstruction'
0 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

Bruker Paravision 4.0 Type of Image Reconstruction
Hello everyone!

Anyone here using the MRI Bruker Paravision software?

I would need to know with which method (SENSE or GRAPPA) the T2-weighted images are reconstructed (as example by using a Multi Slice Multi Echo sequence)

Thank you in advance!
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Gina Key

Sat. 27 Jan.24,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'IDEAL sequence help'
started by: 'gianluca turcatel'
on Mon. 10 Jan.22]


IDEAL sequence help
To calculate the Proton Density Fat Fraction (PDFF) from MRI images of the liver acquired using LMS IDEAL (Iterative Decomposition of Water and Fat with Echo Asymmetry and Least Squares Estimation) with optimized low flip angles, you'll typically have multiple image sets corresponding to different echoes. The fat and water signals are separated based on their chemical shift differences. Look for image sets labeled as Water, Fat, or PDFF (Proton Density Fat Fraction). Depending on the software or DICOM tags used, the images may be explicitly labeled, or you may need to review the sequence parameters to determine which set corresponds to fat or water.
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