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Scott Lytle

Thu. 4 Jan.07,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
'ETL for a STIR'
started by: 'Shaun Schofield'
on Thu. 30 Mar.06]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

ETL for a STIR
It depends.

When Centric echo allocation is used you have higher SNR, a low TE, but more image blurring. Very similar to a PD. I prefer an echo train of less than 8 in this case.

When Sequential echo allocation is used you have lower SNR, a higher TE (I prefer less than a TE of 60), but significantly less image blurring. Very similar to a T2 or FLAIR. In this case your echo train length is governed by your TE and image blurring is not usually an issue. Depending on how short of an inter-echo time you can use, and by keeping an eye on the TE, the echo train can be as high as you want.

Hope this helps.
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Renate Bloemer

Wed. 14 Jun.06,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'T1/T2 relaxation time charts'
started by: 'Reader Mail'
on Fri. 12 May.06]


T1/T2 relaxation time charts
You can find a table of the approximate values of the two relaxation time constants and some relevant formulas on:*
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Shaun Schofield

Thu. 30 Mar.06,

[Start of:
'ETL for a STIR'
2 Replies]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

ETL for a STIR
Whats the ETL range for a STIR? Assuming 50TE 5000TR 150TI.

Does it follow the T2 parameters? Can someone give me the pros/cons of high versus low ETL?
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Abraham Morejon

Wed. 30 Nov.05,

[Start of:
'Whole Body Scan MRI'
0 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

Whole Body Scan MRI
Can anyone tell me what FOV is used on a 2 year old whole body scan? , On an adult whole body scan ? , and how many table moving stations are needed for an adult whole body scan? I am doing a coronal Stir,T1 FFE coronal and a SSFSE T2W coronal.
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Susan Angelico

Thu. 15 Sep.05,

[Reply (1 of 3) to:
'3T imaging parameters'
started by: 'Nancy Dudek'
on Fri. 26 Aug.05]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

3T imaging parameters
At 3T the T1 time is longer (so the TR should also be longer) and the T2 time is shorter (TE can be shorter). However, when we got a 3T machine we tested different TR and TE's and found out that in practice the useful range don't has a big difference from that of a 1.5T MR system.
The contrast looks a bit different - that's normal.
In addition, ask the manufacturer.
There are a lot of other parameters that affect the contrast in 3T.

Hope this will help
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