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syam reddy

Wed. 25 Jan.06,

[Start of:
'vibe sequences in neuro mri?'
1 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

vibe sequences in neuro mri?
I am trying to cut down on time and have read a few articles that talk about mprage and vibe imaging but I am wondering if I can use them for post contrast imaging instead of t 1 sequence on my brain and spine studies. Anyone have any experience or comments about that?
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dimitris priovolos

Sat. 21 Dec.13,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'mr urography'
started by: 'elena giovanelli'
on Thu. 24 Oct.13]

Applications and Examinations

mr urography
I think it's better to plan both ureters, put the pack of slices exactly coronal on an axial abdomen slice including both kidneys, take care on a sagital slice to give an angle parallel to spine but including the bladder and the space behind it, use foldover direction (siemens) or Rfov 1 (GE), fov 400-450, sl thick 0.80-1mm, open the 3d slice pack as much as needed, use navigator-pace (siemens) or triggering (GE).

A preparation of diet is needed some times, additional sequences (haste, fiesta, vibe+iv or lava+iv contr) are necessary.
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Reader Mail

Wed. 26 Jul.06,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'vibe sequences in neuro mri?'
started by: 'syam reddy'
on Wed. 25 Jan.06]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

vibe sequences in neuro mri?
Vibe is a breathhold technique, so mor suitable for abdomen imaging.
mprage goes very well for post contrast brain imaging
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