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'white matter'
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Maricella Sauceda

Thu. 16 Oct.08,

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'Translation of MRI Result - Help'
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Applications and Examinations

Translation of MRI Result - Help
Okay... So below is what the MRI breakdown tells me, can someone tell me if I should definitely be worried... I think it says I have brain lessions associated to sinus problems, but then they said it might be a sign of MS? HELP... Any additional clarity will be greatly appreciated...

Technique: Sequences spin - echo-enhanced in T1, T2 protons and density, flair at the axial, sagittal and coronal, 5 mm thick.

Small punctate signals focal hypo-intense in T1 and hypertensive in the other sequences and without apparent mass effect in the lobar white matter and subcortical frontal, bilateral parietal subcortical and peri-ventricular the atriums of both lateral ventricles.
Others are not displayed disturbances of encephalic parenchyma or blood collections or intra extraxiales. The medulla oblongata, pons and the cerebral peduncles with normal morphology and signal. Tanks of the base, the subarachnoid space and the cortical ventricular system above and infratentorial not dilated, without compression or movement.
Thickening of the lining which is the frontal sinuses, ceidillas etmoidales and maxillary sinuses, in the latter left with the presence of liquid level.

Many small pictures that compromise the lobar white matter and subcortical frontoparietal and peri-ventricular atrial bilateral and that although might be nonspecific, it is not possible to rule out entirely demyelinating etiology, so it must be correlated with the clinic's patient, findings of physical examination and clinical-. A new study of control in timely fashion or according to clinical course can be useful.
Pan-chronic sinusitis with signs of acute in the left maxillary sinus.
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Wed. 12 Dec.07,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'double ir physic'
started by: 'soontorn siriserussa'
on Sun. 2 Dec.07]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

double ir physic
Different types of double inversion recovery (DIR, 2IR) sequences are used to improve the suppression of blood signal (black blood technique) or to null the signals from two different tissue types (e.g. white matter and cerebrospinal fluid).
The black blood technique (used in cardiovascular MRI) works with two inversion pulses, where the first pulse is nonselective and the second pulse is slice-selective. TI is set to a value at which the signal of the recovering inverted blood is zero (
The second technique (also named gray matter only) is used in brain imaging to improve the detection of lesions, for example in the diagnostic of multiple sclerosis. Two 180° pulses with different TI are used to suppress two different types of tissue simultaneously.

Hope this helps
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