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MRI Forum
'white matter'
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Rahul Manay

Mon. 27 Jun.16,

[Start of:
'Fractional Anisotropy'
0 Reply]


Fractional Anisotropy
I have been trying to mathematically derive the formula to find FRACTIONAL ANISOTROPYrn(Fractional anisotropy is a method that is used to emphasize and evaluate white matter fiber tracts)

The formula that is given in many textbooks and published paper

FA= Squareroot(3/2) * (Sqaureroot[ (lambda1-lambda)^2 + (lambda2-lambda)^2 + (lambda3-lambda)^2]/ Sqaureroot( Lambda1^2+Lambda2^2+Lambda3^2))

I understand the purpose of Lambda but unable to understand the need for SQUAREROOT (3/2)rnrnPlease do kindly explain the reason behind having SQUAREROOT(3/2) for the Fractional Anisotropy formula
-Rahul Manay
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adam wootton

Fri. 13 Apr.12,

[Start of:
'intracranial cavity volume'
2 Replies]

Applications and Examinations

intracranial cavity volume
As part of a clinical trial, I have been asked to calculate Intracanial cavity volumes as well as whole brain, total gray matter, and total white matter volume.
I am on a GE Signa 3.0T running 15x software.
Can anyone give me a clue on how to do this?
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Artemiy Artemiy

Fri. 16 Mar.12,

[Start of:
'How to estimate areas of lesion on MRI in multiple sclerosis'
3 Replies]

Applications and Examinations

How to estimate areas of lesion on MRI in multiple sclerosis
I'm a neurologist from the Military medical academy at St-Petersburg in Russia. In Internet I found some articles about MS from you. I study correlation: cognitive impairments and areas of lesion by using MRI in multiple sclerosis. What the program would be better to estimate areas of lesion (total volume, topical spreading in white matter)? I'll be very glad to receive any answer. I didn't find answer to this question in Radiology department at the M-Med Academy. I tried to use SPM8, but understand, that its impossible to research volume of areal in MS. (I spent a lot of time for nothing)
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Anna Lena Golay

Wed. 25 Jan.12,

[Reply (3 of 7) to:
'Imaging optic neuritis'
started by: 'Karen Lesley'
on Wed. 18 Jan.12]


Imaging optic neuritis
A 2-3 mm STIR sequence through the optic nerves may show the characteristic high-signal intensity of optic neuritis. Gadolinium enhanced T1-weighted fat-saturated (to suppress the bright signal of the orbital fat tissue) images of the orbits show the inflammation of the optic nerve. White matter lesions, which denote a higher risk of developing MS, are typical imaged with FLAIR and T2-weighted images (hyperintense lesions), or show enhancement of T1-weighted images postcontrast.
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Adana Osco Barras

Tue. 3 Jan.12,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Hyperintense blood vessels in SE'
started by: 'Peruvumba Jayakumar'
on Thu. 29 Dec.11]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

Hyperintense blood vessels in SE
Prolonged T1 relaxation times, decreased T1 tissue contrast, and increased susceptibility rnare typical effects at high field MRI.rnDue to the longer T1 times at 3T, the signal rnintensity inside the vessels is preserved even in smaller vessels. Try TR 700, TE 10.rnInversion recovery sequences are very well suited for optimal gray to white matter contrast, but enhancement after administration of gadolinium may not be visible.
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