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Personalized protocols (age, gender, body habitus, etc.) lead to :
more automated planning 
improved patient comfort 
better diagnostics 
optimized image quality 

MRI Resources
The MR-TIP Resource-Database contains around 2100 entries.
Resource Directory - Overview
Result: Searchterm 'brain' found in 49 Resources.
More Results: Database  (103)  News Service  (635)  Forum  (39)  
Result Pages : 1 2  [3]  4 5 
  MRI - Personal - Education - Education pool
USUHS Radiology Child Abuse WEBSITE Open this link in a new window
The Child Abuse Referral and Education Network (CARE). A tutorial review of the diagnosis and investigation of Child Abuse. From the Department of Radiology of the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland
[Keywords: ... radiology,brain,tumors ...]
  MRI - Knowledge - Examinations - Anatomy
Neuroradiology at USUHS Open this link in a new window
Radiologic Anatomy, Sagittal Brain Sections, Axial Brain Sections, Coronal Brain Sections
  MRI - Knowledge - Image Quality - Quality Advice Open this link in a new window
Diagnostic Imaging Magazine Online, The Newsmagazine of Imaging Innovation and Economics
[Keywords: ... biopsy, brain, breast ...]
  MRI - Knowledge - Examinations - Diffusion Weighted Imaging
The SHEFC Brain Imaging Center for Scotland Open this link in a new window
neuroimaging,neuro imaging,diffusion imaging,perfusion imaging,functional imaging,chemical shift imaging
[Keywords: ... brain imaging research,neuro-imaging ...]
  MRI - Knowledge - Patient Information - MRI Centers Open this link in a new window
The Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, Institute of Neurology, University College London
[Keywords: ... brain, research ...]
  MRI - Knowledge - MRI Physics
MRI PHYSICS: A Nuts and Bolts Approach Open this link in a new window
MRI Physics: How does it work? A Basic Nuts and Bolts Approach, Distance Learning Lectures, CME, Electronic Handouts and more - from the Department of Radiology, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland.
[Keywords: ... neoplasms,brain,tumors ...]
  MRI - Business - Corporations - Manufacturers
Digital MRI XXI Open this link in a new window
[Keywords: ... MRI, brain MRI, NMRI ...]
  MRI - Business - Corporations - Manufacturers
Odin Medical Technologies Open this link in a new window
Odin Medical Technologies is the creator of PoleStar N-10, the world's first and only intraoperative MR Imaging system that can be used in a standard O.R.
[Keywords: ... Brain Surgery, Brain Tumor, Intraoperative MRI ...]
  MRI - Business - Services and Supplies - Supplies Open this link in a new window
Resonance Technology MRI Compatible Audio and Video Systems for Functional MRI (fMRI), patient comfort and interventional surgery
[Keywords: ... Steroscopic 3D, Brainmapping, Resonance Technology ...]
  MRI - Knowledge - MRI Physics
MRI Contents Open this link in a new window
Introduction Physical Principles MR Image Contrast Brain Imaging Protocol Clinical Indications
Result Pages : 1 2  [3]  4 5 
Resource Directory - Overview
Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls into lazy habits of thinking.
- Albert Einstein
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