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Arrhythmia Rejection
With this method irregular RR intervals in cardiac gating during cardiovascular imaging are rejected and then repeated to improve the image quality, whereby the cardiac frequency is used as a basis of the normal heart rate.
The RR interval window determines the percentage variation of the heart rate. Variations of the acquired data outside the window are rejected and not used in the image reconstruction. Also one interval after the arrhytmic beat will be rejected.
Arrhythmia rejection may be inappropriate for patients with certain pathologies, because if the RR interval is constant long, short, long, - all intervals would be rejected. Also a disadvantage is the time consume, but in some cases this function is mandatory, e.g. for diverse retrospective triggered sequences.
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Further Reading:
A Guide To Cardiac Imaging
  News & More:
Irregular heartbeat may lead to silent strokes
Wednesday, 5 November 2014   by    
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