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Gradient Echo SequenceForum -
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Gradient Echo Sequence Timing Diagram (GRE - sequence) A gradient echo is generated by using a pair of bipolar gradient pulses. In the pulse sequence timing diagram, the basic gradient echo sequence is illustrated. There is no refocusing 180° pulse and the data are sampled during a gradient echo, which is achieved by dephasing the spins with a negatively pulsed gradient before they are rephased by an opposite gradient with opposite polarity to generate the echo.
See also the Pulse Sequence Timing Diagram. There you will find a description of the components.
The excitation pulse is termed the alpha pulse α. It tilts the magnetization by a flip angle α, which is typically between 0° and 90°. With a small flip angle there is a reduction in the value of transverse magnetization that will affect subsequent RF pulses. The flip angle can also be slowly increased during data acquisition (variable flip angle: tilt optimized nonsaturation excitation). The data are not acquired in a steady state, where z-magnetization recovery and destruction by ad-pulses are balanced. However, the z-magnetization is used up by tilting a little more of the remaining z-magnetization into the xy-plane for each acquired imaging line.
Gradient echo imaging is typically accomplished by examining the FID, whereas the read gradient is turned on for localization of the signal in the readout direction. T2* is the characteristic decay time constant associated with the FID. The contrast and signal generated by a gradient echo depend on the size of the longitudinal magnetization and the flip angle. When α = 90° the sequence is identical to the so-called partial saturation or saturation recovery pulse sequence. In standard GRE imaging, this basic pulse sequence is repeated as many times as image lines have to be acquired. Additional gradients or radio frequency pulses are introduced with the aim to spoil to refocus the xy-magnetization at the moment when the spin system is subject to the next α pulse.
As a result of the short repetition time, the z-magnetization cannot fully recover and after a few initial α pulses there is an equilibrium established between z-magnetization recovery and z-magnetization reduction due to the α pulses.
Gradient echoes have a lower SAR, are more sensitive to field inhomogeneities and have a reduced crosstalk, so that a small or no slice gap can be used. In or out of phase imaging depending on the selected TE (and field strength of the magnet) is possible. As the flip angle is decreased, T1 weighting can be maintained by reducing the TR. T2* weighting can be minimized by keeping the TE as short as possible, but pure T2 weighting is not possible. By using a reduced flip angle, some of the magnetization value remains longitudinal (less time needed to achieve full recovery) and for a certain T1 and TR, there exist one flip angle that will give the most signal, known as the "Ernst angle".
Contrast values:
PD weighted: Small flip angle (no T1), long TR (no T1) and short TE (no T2*)
T1 weighted: Large flip angle (70°), short TR (less than 50ms) and short TE
T2* weighted: Small flip angle, some longer TR (100 ms) and long TE (20 ms)

Classification of GRE sequences can be made into four categories:
See also Gradient Recalled Echo Sequence, Spoiled Gradient Echo Sequence, Refocused Gradient Echo Sequence, Ultrafast Gradient Echo Sequence.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 MRI Liver In Phase  Open this link in a new window
 MRI Liver Out Of Phase  Open this link in a new window
 MVP Parasternal  Open this link in a new window
 Breast MRI Images T1 Pre - Post Contrast  Open this link in a new window
 Circle of Willis, Time of Flight, MIP  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview


• View the DATABASE results for 'Gradient Echo Sequence' (70).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Enhanced Fast GRadient Echo 3-Dimensional (efgre3D) or THRIVE
  News & More:
MRI evaluation of fatty liver in day to day practice: Quantitative and qualitative methods
Wednesday, 3 September 2014   by    
T1rho-prepared balanced gradient echo for rapid 3D T1rho MRI
Monday, 1 September 2008   by    
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Diffusion Weighted SequenceInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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Diffusion weighted imaging can be performed similar to the phase contrast angiography sequence. The gradients must be increased in amplitude to depict the much slower motions of molecular diffusion in the body.
While a T1 weighted MRI pulse sequence is diffusion sensitive, a quantitative diffusion pulse sequence was introduced by Steijskal and Tanner. Its characteristic features are two strong symmetrical gradient lobes placed on either side of the 180° refocusing pulse in a spin echo sequence. These symmetrical gradient lobes have the sole purpose of enhancing dephasing of spins, thereby accelerating intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) signal loss.
Dephasing is proportional to the square of the time (diffusion time) during which the gradients are switched on and the strength of the applied gradient field. Therefore, the use of high field gradient systems with faster and more sensitive sequences, make diffusion weighting more feasible.
Areas in which the protons diffuse rapidly (swollen cells in early stroke, less restriction to diffusion) will show an increased signal when the echo is measured relative to areas in which diffusion is restricted. For increased accuracy of diffusion measurement and image enhancement, useful motion correction techniques such as navigator echo and other methods should be used. In addition to this, applying the b-value calculated by the strength and duration of motion probing gradients with a high rate of accuracy is very important.

See also Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, ADC Map, Lattice Index Map.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Diffusion Weighted Sequence' (6).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
A Comparison of Methods for High-Spatial-Resolution Diffusion-weighted Imaging in Breast MRI
Tuesday, 25 August 2020   by    
Diffusion Imaging: From Basic Physics to Practical Imaging
1999   by    
  News & More:
DWI-MRI helps breast cancer patients' chemotherapy response
Friday, 20 January 2023   by    
Effect of gadolinium-based contrast agent on breast diffusion-tensor imaging
Thursday, 6 August 2020   by    
Hopkins researchers use diffusion MRI technique to monitor ultrasound uterine fibroid treatment
Monday, 8 August 2005   by    
Diffusion-weighted MRI sensitive for metastasis in pelvic lymph nodes
Sunday, 15 June 2014   by    
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Motion Compensation Pulse SequencesInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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Pulse sequences, designed to be insensitive to flow, e.g. at every even echo, a spin echo sequence is not flow sensitive. Velocity compensation is achieved by using gradients, which are either symmetrical around a 180° pulse and switched on twice as is the case for motion compensated spin echo pulse sequences, or two antisymmetrical gradient lobes without 180° pulse, which is the way to produce a velocity compensated gradient echo pulse sequence.
The signal of the second echo (and all other even echoes) is independent of the velocity of the object. Thus, velocity-based motion effects stemming from the entire voxel or from spins within a voxel (intravoxel incoherent motion) are suppressed with such pulse sequences.
If higher order motion is relevant, as it may be in turbulent jets across valves, acceleration and jerk effects can also be compensated for by the use of appropriate combinations of gradient- and radio frequency pulses.
With the increasingly stronger gradients, echo times in MR systems can be shortened to the point at which effects other than velocity effects hardly ever become relevant.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Motion Compensation Pulse Sequences' (2).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Patient movement during MRI: Additional points to ponder
Tuesday, 5 January 2016   by    
Motion-compensation of Cardiac Perfusion MRI using a Statistical Texture Ensemble(.pdf)
June 2003   by    
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Balanced SequenceForum -
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This family of sequences uses a balanced gradient waveform. This waveform will act on any stationary spin on resonance between 2 consecutive RF pulses and return it to the same phase it had before the gradients were applied. A balanced sequence starts out with a RF pulse of 90° or less and the spins in the steady state. Prior to the next TR in the slice encoding, the phase encoding and the frequency encoding direction, gradients are balanced so their net value is zero. Now the spins are prepared to accept the next RF pulse, and their corresponding signal can become part of the new transverse magnetization. If the balanced gradients maintain the longitudinal and transverse magnetization, the result is that both T1 and T2 contrast are represented in the image.
This pulse sequence produces images with increased signal from fluid (like T2 weighted sequences), along with retaining T1 weighted tissue contrast. Balanced sequences are particularly useful in cardiac MRI. Because this form of sequence is extremely dependent on field homogeneity, it is essential to run a shimming prior the acquisition.
Usually the gray and white matter contrast is poor, making this type of sequence unsuited for brain MRI. Modifications like ramping up and down the flip angles can increase signal to noise ratio and contrast of brain tissues (suggested under the name COSMIC - Coherent Oscillatory State acquisition for the Manipulation of Image Contrast).
These sequences include e.g. Balanced Fast Field Echo (bFFE), Balanced Turbo Field Echo (bTFE), Fast Imaging with Steady Precession (TrueFISP, sometimes short TRUFI), Completely Balanced Steady State (CBASS) and Balanced SARGE (BASG).
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Cardiac Infarct Short Axis Cine Overview  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
 Infarct 4 Chamber Cine  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman

• View the DATABASE results for 'Balanced Sequence' (5).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Generic Eddy Current Compensation for Rapid Magnetic Resonance Imaging(.pdf)
Magnetic resonance imaging guided musculoskeletal interventions at 0.23T: Chapter 4. Materials and methods
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