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Stepping Kinematic Imaging Platform
Magnetic Moments L.L.C. (Berkeley, MI), developer of accessories for MRI and MR angiography procedures, received FDA 510(k) clearance to market its SKIP TM Stepping Kinematic Imaging Platform. This MRI accessory is used for manual repositioning of patients in the magnet isocenter for multistation dynamic contrast enhanced MRA or whole-body MRI surveys.
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Time Resolved Imaging of Contrast KineticsInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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(TRICKS) Time resolved imaging of contrast kinetics is a MRI technique, which increases the temporal resolution of dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography (CE-MRA) sequences. The K-space is divided into regions by increasing the sampling rate at the lower spatial frequencies and by reducing the sampling rate at the higher spatial frequencies. Since the time duration between two frames is shortened, it can be observed how frequently and how quickly the images are repeated at the exact same location.
TRICKS is particularly useful for dynamic vascular studies with high temporal resolution. TRICKS improves the calculation of the contrast bolus arrival and improves the characterization of arterio-venous malformations (AVMs).

See also Automatic Bolus Detection, MRA, Cardiac MRI.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Time Resolved Imaging of Contrast Kinetics' (2).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Optimal k-Space Sampling for Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MRI with an Application to MR Renography
Thursday, 5 November 2009   by    
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Image Quality - Corporations - Guidance - Safety Training - Research Labs - MRI Technician and Technologist Career
Time of Flight AngiographyInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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(TOF) The time of flight angiography is used for the imaging of vessels. Usually the sequence type is a gradient echo sequences with short TR, acquired with slices perpendicular to the direction of blood flow.
The source of diverse flow effects is the difference between the unsaturated and presaturated spins and creates a bright vascular image without the invasive use of contrast media. Flowing blood moves unsaturated spins from outside the slice into the imaging plane. These completely relaxed spins have full equilibrium magnetization and produce (when entering the imaging plane) a much higher signal than stationary spins if a gradient echo sequence is generated. This flow related enhancement is also referred to as entry slice phenomenon, or inflow enhancement.
Performing a presaturation slab on one side parallel to the slice can selectively destroy the MR signal from the in-flowing blood from this side of the slice. This allows the technique to be flow direction sensitive and to separate arteriograms or venograms. When the local magnetization of moving blood is selectively altered in a region, e.g. by selective excitation, it carries the altered magnetization with it when it moves, thus tagging the selected region for times on the order of the relaxation times.
For maximum flow signal, a complete new part of blood has to enter the slice every repetition (TR) period, which makes time of flight angiography sensitive to flow-velocity. The choice of TR and slice thickness should be appropriate to the expected flow-velocities because even small changes in slice thickness influences the performance of the TOF sequence. The use of sequential 2 dimensional Fourier transformation (2DFT) slices, 3DFT slabs, or multiple 3D slabs (chunks) are depending on the coverage required and the range of flow-velocities.
3D TOF MRA is routinely used for evaluating the Circle of Willis.

See also Magnetic Resonance Angiography and Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 TOF-MRA Circle of Willis Inverted MIP  Open this link in a new window

 Circle of Willis, Time of Flight, MIP  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

Radiology-tip.comradCT Angiography,  Coronary Angiogram
Medical-Ultrasound-Imaging.comColor Power Angio,  Doppler Ultrasound

• View the DATABASE results for 'Time of Flight Angiography' (11).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Magnetic resonance angiography: current status and future directions
Wednesday, 9 March 2011   by    
Searchterm 'Contrast Enhanced' was also found in the following services: 
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Ultrafast Gradient Echo SequenceInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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Ultrafast Gradient Echo Sequence Timing Diagram In simple ultrafast GRE imaging, TR and TE are so short, that tissues have a poor imaging signal and - more importantly - poor contrast except when contrast media enhanced (contrast enhanced angiography). Therefore, the magnetization is 'prepared' during the preparation module, most frequently by an initial 180° inversion pulse.
In the pulse sequence timing diagram, the basic ultrafast gradient echo sequence is illustrated. The 180° inversion pulse is executed one time (to the left of the vertical line), the right side represents the data collection period and is often repeated depending on the acquisition parameters.
See also Pulse Sequence Timing Diagram, there you will find a description of the components.
Ultrafast GRE sequences have a short TR,TE, a low flip angle and TR is so short that image acquisition lasts less than 1 second and typically less than 500 ms. Common TR: 3-5 msec, TE: 2 msec, and the flip angle is about 5°. Such sequences are often labeled with the prefix 'Turbo' like TurboFLASH, TurboFFE and TurboGRASS.
This allows one to center the subsequent ultrafast GRE data acquisition around the inversion time TI, where one of the tissues of interest has very little signal as its z-magnetization is passing through zero.
Unlike a standard inversion recovery (IR) sequence, all lines or a substantial segment of k-space image lines are acquired after a single inversion pulse, which can then together be considered as readout module. The readout module may use a variable flip angle approach, or the data acquisition may be divided into multiple segments (shots). The latter is useful particularly in cardiac imaging where acquiring all lines in a single segment may take too long relative to the cardiac cycle to provide adequate temporal resolution.
If multiple lines are acquired after a single pulse, the pulse sequence is a type of gradient echo echo planar imaging (EPI) pulse sequence.

See also Magnetization Prepared Rapid Gradient Echo (MPRAGE) and Turbo Field Echo (TFE).

• View the DATABASE results for 'Ultrafast Gradient Echo Sequence' (13).Open this link in a new window

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Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron OxideInfoSheet: - Contrast Agents - 
Intro, Overview, 
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(USPIO) The class of the ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide includes several chemically and pharmacologically very distinct materials, which may or may not be interchangeable for a specific use. Some ultrasmall SPIO particles (median diameter less than 50nm) are used as MRI contrast agents (Sinerem®, Combidex®), e.g. to differentiate metastatic from inflammatory lymph nodes. USPIO shows also potential for providing important information about angiogenesis in cancer tumors and could possibly complement MRI helping physicians to identify dangerous arteriosclerosis plaques.
Because of the disadvantageous large T2*//T1 ratio, USPIO compounds are less suitable for arterial bolus contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography than gadolinium complexes. The tiny ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxides do not accumulate in the RES system as fast as larger particles, which results in a long plasma half-life. USPIO particles, with a small median diameter (less than 10 nm), will accumulate in lymph nodes after an intravenous injection by e.g. direct transcapillary passage through endothelial venules. Once within the nodal parenchyma, phagocytic cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system take up the particles.
As a second way, USPIOs are subsequently taken up from then interstitium by lymphatic vessels and transported to regional lymph nodes. A lymph node with normal phagocytic function takes up a considerable amount and shows a reduction of the signal intensity caused by T2 shortening effects and magnetic susceptibility. Caused by the small uptake of the USPIOs in metastatic lymph nodes, they appear with less signal reduction, and permit the differentiation of healthy lymph nodes from normal-sized, metastatic nodes.

See also Superparamagnetic Contrast Agents, Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide, Very Small Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Particles, Blood Pool Agents, Intracellular Contrast Agents.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide' (16).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Ultrasmall Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide' (2).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Comparison of Two Superparamagnetic Viral-Sized Iron Oxide Particles Ferumoxides and Ferumoxtran-10 with a Gadolinium Chelate in Imaging Intracranial Tumors
2002   by    
  News & More:
Optimized Labelling of Human Monocytes with Iron Oxide MR Contrast Agents
Sunday, 30 November 2003   by    
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