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Result : Searchterm 'DTI' found in 0 term [ ] and 5 definitions [ ]
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( DTI) Diffusion tensor imaging is the more sophisticated form of DWI, which allows for the determination of directionality as well as the magnitude of water diffusion. This kind of MR imaging can estimates damage to nerve fibers that connect the area of the brain affected by the stroke to brain regions that are distant from it, and can be used to determine the effectiveness of stroke prevention medications.
DTI (FiberTrak) enables to visualize white matter fibers in the brain and can map ( trace image) subtle changes in the white matter associated with diseases such as multiple sclerosis and epilepsy, as well as assessing diseases where the brain's wiring is abnormal, such as schizophrenia.
The fractional anisotropy (FA) gives information about the shape of
the diffusion tensor at each voxel. The FA is based on the normalized
variance of the eigenvalues. The fractional anisotropy reflects differences between an isotropic diffusion and a linear diffusion. The FA range is between 0 and 1 (0 = isotropic diffusion, 1 = highly directional).
The development of new imaging methods and some useful analysis techniques, such as 3-dimensional anisotropy contrast (3DAC) and spatial tracking of the diffusion tensor tractography (DTT), are currently under study. | |  | | | • Share the entry 'Diffusion Tensor Imaging': | | | | | | | | Further Reading: | | Basics:
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The principal advantage of MRI at high field is the increase in signal to noise ratio. This can be used to improve anatomic and/or temporal resolution and reduce scan time while preserving image quality. MRI devices for whole body imaging for human use are available up to 3 tesla (3T). Functional MRI ( fMRI) and MR spectroscopy ( MRS) benefit significantly. In addition, 3T machines have a great utility in applications such as TOF MRA and DTI. Higher field strengths are used for imaging of small parts of the body or scientific animal experiments. Higher contrast may permit reduction of gadolinium doses and, in some cases, earlier detection of disease.
Using high field MRI//MRS, the RF-wavelength and the dimension of the human body complicating the development of MR coils. The absorption of RF power causes heating of the tissue. The energy deposited in the patient's tissues is fourfold higher at 3T than at 1.5T. The specific absorption rate (SAR) induced temperature changes of the human body are the most important safety issue of high field MRI//MRS.
Susceptibility and chemical shift dispersion increase like T1, therefore high field MRI occasionally exhibits imaging artifacts. Most are obvious and easily recognized but some are subtle and mimic diseases. A thorough understanding of these artifacts is important to avoid potential pitfalls. Some imaging techniques or procedures can be utilized to remove or identify artifacts. See also Diffusion Tensor Imaging.
See also the related poll result: ' In 2010 your scanner will probably work with a field strength of' | | | | | | • View the DATABASE results for 'High Field MRI' (16).
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From Philips Medical Systems;
the Intera-family offers with this member a wide range of possibilities, efficiency and a ergonomic and intuitive serving-platform. Also available as Intera CV for cardiac and Intera I/T for interventional MR procedures.
The scanners are also equipped with SENSE technology, which is essential for high-quality contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography, interactive cardiac MR and diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI) fiber tracking.
The increased accuracy and clarity of MR scans obtained with this technology allow for faster and more accurate diagnosis of potential problems like patient friendliness and expands the breadth of applications including cardiology, oncology and interventional MR.
Device Information and Specification
Whole body
Short bore compact
Standard: head, body, C1, C3; Optional: Small joint, flex-E, flex-R, endocavitary (L and S), dual TMJ, knee, neck, T/L spine, breast; Optional phased array: Spine, pediatric, 3rd party connector; Optional SENSE coils: Flex-S-M-L, flex body, flex cardiac
SE, Modified-SE ( TSE), IR (T1, T2, PD), STIR, FLAIR, SPIR, FFE, T1-FFE, T2-FFE, Balanced FFE, TFE, Balanced TFE, Dynamic, Keyhole, 3D, Multi Chunk 3D, Multi Stack 3D, K Space Shutter, MTC, TSE, Dual IR, DRIVE, EPI, Cine, 2DMSS, DAVE, Mixed Mode; Angiography: PCA, MCA, Inflow MRA, CE
2.9 (Omni), 1.6 (Power), 1.6 (Master/Expl) msec
1.0 (Omni), 0.7 (Power), 0.5 (Master/Expl) msec
RapidView Recon. greater than 500 @ 256 Matrix
0.1 mm(Omni), 0.05 mm (Pwr/Mstr/Expl)
128 x 128, 256 x 256,512 x 512,1024 x 1024 (64 for BOLD img.)
Variable in 1% increments
Lum.: 120 cd/m2; contrast: 150:1
Variable (op. param. depend.)
380/400 V
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From Philips Medical Systems;
the Intera 3 T high field system, the first with a compact magnet, which is built on the same platform as the 1.5 T, is targeted to high-end neurological, orthopedic and cardiovascular imaging applications with maximum patient comfort and acceptance without compromising image quality and clinical performance. Useable for clinical routine and research.
The Intera systems offer diffusion tensor imaging ( DTI) fiber tracking that measures movement of water in the brain and can therefore detect areas of the brain where normal movement of water is disrupted.
Device Information and Specification
Whole body
Short bore compact
Standard: head, body, C1, C3; Optional: Small joint, flex-E, flex-R, endocavitary (L and S), dual TMJ, knee, neck, T/L spine, breast; Optional phased array: spine;; Optional SENSE coils: Flex body, flex cardiac, neuro-vascular, head
SE, Modified-SE, IR (T1, T2, PD), STIR, FLAIR, SPIR, FFE, T1-FFE, T2-FFE, Balanced FFE, TFE, Balanced TFE, Dynamic, Keyhole, 3D, Multi Chunk 3D, Multi Stack 3D, K Space Shutter, MTC, TSE, Dual IR, DRIVE, EPI, Cine, 2DMSS, DAVE, Mixed Mode; Angiography: Inflow MRA, TONE, PCA, CE MRA
Min. 1.6 (Master) msec
Min. 0.5 (Master) msec
RapidView Recon. greater than 500 @ 256 Matrix
0.1 mm (Omni), 0.05 mm (Power)
128 x 128, 256 x 256,512 x 512,1024 x 1024 (64 for Bold img)
Variable in 1% increments
Lum.: 120 cd/m2; contrast: 150:1
Variable (op. param. depend.)
380/400 V
30 (Master) mT/m
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Special imaging primarily means advanced MRI techniques used for qualitative and quantitative measurement of biological metabolism as e.g., spectroscopy, perfusion imaging (PWI, ASL), diffusion weighted imaging ( DWI, DTI, DTT) and brain function ( BOLD, fMRI). This physiological magnetic resonance techniques offer insights into brain structure, function, and metabolism.
Spectroscopy provides functional information related to identification and quantification of e.g. brain metabolites.
MR perfusion imaging has applications in stroke, trauma, and brain neoplasm. MRI provides the high spatial and temporal resolution needed to measure blood flow to the brain. arterial spin labeling techniques utilize the intrinsic protons of blood and brain tissue, labeled by special preparation pulses, rather than exogenous tracers injected into the blood.
MR diffusion tensor imaging characterizes the ability of water to spread across the brain in different directions. Diffusion parallel to nerve fibers has been shown to be greater than diffusion in the perpendicular direction. This provides a tool to study in vivo fiber connectivity in brain MRI.
FMRI allows the detection of a functional activation in the brain because cortical activity is intimately related to local metabolism changes. See also Diffusion Tensor Tractography. | |  | | • View the NEWS results for 'Special Imaging' (14).
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