Electric currents induced in a conductor by a changing magnetic field or by motion of the conductor through a magnetic field.
One of the sources of concern about a potential hazard to subjects in very high magnetic fields or rapidly varying gradient or main magnetic fields. Can be a practical problem in the cryostat of superconducting magnets. Eddy currents can cause artifacts in images and may seriously degrade overall magnet performance. Common means to reduce the influence of eddy currents on gradient fields are eddy current compensation and shielded gradient coils (active or passive).
Eliminate Gibb's artifact (Border ringing) for sharp images. Means of reducing the influence of eddy currents on pulsed gradient fields by employing an electrical preemphasis in the gradient amplifiers. Usually multiple time constants have to be used to correct for eddy current effects in various structures of the MR system such as the cryoshields and RF-shields.
Current-carrying gradient coils with reduced gradientfringe field inside of the magnetcryostat structures like cryoshields and He-vessel. The shielding can be accomplished by secondary actively driven coils or by passive screens, which are inductively coupled to the gradient coils. In both cases eddy currents outside of the gradient system will be reduced.
Rate of cryogen (liquid helium) evaporation in superconducting magnets, usually measured in liters of liquid per hour. The boil off rate of cryogen increases during ramping of the magnet and with eddy currents induced in the cryoshields by pulsed field gradients. In calculating cryogen consumption additional transfer and filling losses have to be considered.