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Fast Field EchoInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(FFE) An echo signal generated from a FID by means of a bipolar switched magnetic gradient. The preparation module of the pulse sequence consists of an excitation pulse. The magnetization tilts by a flip angle between 0° and 90°.

See Gradient Echo Sequence and Refocused Gradient Echo Sequence.
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• Related Searches:
    • Refocused Gradient Echo Sequence
    • Contrast Enhanced FAST
    • Turbo Field Echo
    • Spoiled Gradient Echo Sequence
    • Balanced Fast Field Echo
Further Reading:
Sequence for Philips(.pdf)
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Dual Fast Field EchoInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(Dual/FFE) A FFE technique with simultaneously acquired in and out of phase gradient echoes.

See Dual Echo Fast Gradient Echo.
Further Reading:
Adrenal Metastases
Friday, 15 March 2002   by    
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Balanced Fast Field EchoInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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(bFFE) A FFE sequence using a balanced gradient waveform. A balanced sequence starts out with a RF pulse of 90° or less and the spins in the steady state. Before the next TR in the slice phase and frequency encoding, gradients are balanced so their net value is zero. Now the spins are prepared to accept the next RF pulse, and their corresponding signal can become part of the new transverse magnetization. Since the balanced gradients maintain the transverse and longitudinal magnetization, the result is, that both T1 and T2 contrast are represented in the image. This pulse sequence produces images with increased signal from fluid, along with retaining T1 weighted tissue contrast. Because this form of sequence is extremely dependent on field homogeneity, it is essential to run a shimming prior the acquisition. A fully balanced (refocused) sequence would yield higher signal, especially for tissues with long T2 relaxation times.

See Steady State Free Precession and Gradient Echo Sequence.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Cardiac Infarct Short Axis Cine bFFE 1  Open this link in a new window

• View the DATABASE results for 'Balanced Fast Field Echo' (3).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
T1rho-prepared balanced gradient echo for rapid 3D T1rho MRI
Monday, 1 September 2008   by    
Utility of the FIESTA Pulse Sequence in Body Oncologic Imaging: Review
June 2009   by    
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Contrast Enhanced Fast Field Echo with T1 WeightingInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 

• View the DATABASE results for 'Contrast Enhanced Fast Field Echo with T1 Weighting' (2).Open this link in a new window

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Contrast Enhanced Fast Field Echo with T2 Star WeightingMRI Resource Directory:
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