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Diffusion Weighted ImagingForum -
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(DWI) Magnetic resonance imaging is sensitive to diffusion, because the diffusion of water molecules along a field gradient reduces the MR signal. In areas of lower diffusion the signal loss is less intense and the display from this areas is brighter. The use of a bipolar gradient pulse and suitable pulse sequences permits the acquisition of diffusion weighted images (images in which areas of rapid proton diffusion can be distinguished from areas with slow diffusion).
Based on echo planar imaging, multislice DWI is today a standard for imaging brain infarction. With enhanced gradients, the whole brain can be scanned within seconds. The degree of diffusion weighting correlates with the strength of the diffusion gradients, characterized by the b-value, which is a function of the gradient related parameters: strength, duration, and the period between diffusion gradients.
Certain illnesses show restrictions of diffusion, for example demyelinization and cytotoxic edema. Areas of cerebral infarction have decreased apparent diffusion, which results in increased signal intensity on diffusion weighted MRI scans. DWI has been demonstrated to be more sensitive for the early detection of stroke than standard pulse sequences and is closely related to temperature mapping.
DWIBS is a new diffusion weighted imaging technique for the whole body that produces PET-like images. The DWIBS sequence has been developed with the aim to detect lymph nodes and to differentiate normal and hyperplastic from metastatic lymph nodes. This may be possible caused by alterations in microcirculation and water diffusivity within cancer metastases in lymph nodes.

See also Diffusion Weighted Sequence, Perfusion Imaging, ADC Map, Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, and Diffusion Tensor Imaging.
• Related Searches:
    • Diffusion Weighted Whole Body Imaging
    • Diffusion Tensor Tractography
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Further Reading:
Novel MRI Technique Could Reduce Breast Biopsies, University of Washington Study
Tuesday, 2 October 2012   by    
Quantitative Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Measurements Obtained by 3-Tesla MRI Are Correlated with Biomarkers of Bladder Cancer Proliferative Activity
  News & More:
Stability and repeatability of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of normal pancreas on 5.0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Monday, 24 July 2023   by    
MRI innovation makes cancerous tissue light up and easier to see
Monday, 21 March 2022   by    
Diffusion MRI and machine learning models classify childhood brain tumours
Saturday, 6 March 2021   by    
Diffusion-weighted MRI in Advanced Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: Apparent Diffusion Coefficient as a Response Marker
Tuesday, 1 October 2019   by    
Novel Imaging Technique Improves Prostate Cancer Detection
Tuesday, 6 January 2015   by    
High-b-value Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging of Suspected Brain Infarction
2000   by    
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Field Even Echo Rephasing
The FEER method was the first clinically useful flow quantification method using phase effects, from which all spin phase related flow quantification techniques currently in use are derived.
In this sequence a gradient echo is measured after a gradient with flow compensation. The measured signal phase should be zero for all pixels. A deviation from gradient symmetry by shifting the gradient ramp slightly away from the symmetry condition will impart a defined phase shift to the magnetization vectors associated with spins from pixels with flow.
Slight stable variations in the magnetic field across the imaging volume will prevent the phase angle from being uniformly zero throughout the volume in the flow-compensated image. The first image (acquired without gradient shift) serves as reference, defining the values of all pixel phase angles in the flow (motion) compensated sequence. Ensuing images with gradient phase shifts imparted in each of the 3 spatial axes will then permit measurement of the 3 components of the velocity vector v = (vx, vy, vz) by calculating the respective phases px, py and pz by simply subtracting the pixel phases measured in the compensated image from the 3 images with a well defined velocity sensitization.
The determination of all 3 components of the velocity vector requires the measurement of 4 images.
The phase quantification requires an imaging time four times longer than the simple measurement of a phase image and associated magnitude image. If only one arbitrary flow direction is of interest, it suffices to acquire the reference image plus one image velocity sensitized in the arbitrary direction of interest.

See also Flow Quantification.
MRI Resources 
Diffusion Weighted Imaging - Research Labs - Quality Advice - Abdominal Imaging - Services and Supplies - Databases
Phase Contrast SequenceMRI Resource Directory:
 - Sequences -
(PC) Phase contrast sequences are the basis of MRA techniques utilizing the change in the phase shifts of the flowing protons in the region of interest to create an image. Spins that are moving along the direction of a magnetic field gradient receive a phase shift proportional to their velocity.
In a phase contrast sequence two data sets with a different amount of flow sensitivity are acquired. This is usually accomplished by applying gradient pairs, which sequentially dephase and then rephase spins during the sequence. Both 2D and 3D acquisition techniques can be applied with phase contrast MRA.
The first data set is acquired with a flow compensated sequence, i. e. without flow sensitivity. The second data set is acquired with a flow sensitive sequence. The amount of flow sensitivity is controlled by the strength of the bipolar gradient pulse pair, which is incorporated into the sequence. Stationary tissue undergoes no effective phase change after the application of the two gradients. Caused by the different spatial localization of flowing blood to stationary tissue, it experiences a different size of the second bipolar gradient compared to the first. The result is a phase shift.
The raw data from the two data sets are subtracted. By comparing the phase of signals from each location in the two sequences the exact amount of motion induced phase change can be determined to have a map where pixel brightness is proportional to spatial velocity.
Phase contrast images represent the signal intensity of the velocity of spins at each point within the field of view. Regions that are stationary remain black while moving regions are represented as grey to white.
The phase shift is proportional to the spin's velocity, and this allows the quantitative assessment of flow velocities. The difference MRI signal has a maximum value for opposite directions. This velocity is typically referred to as venc, and depends on the pulse amplitude and distance between the gradient pulse pair. For velocities larger than venc the difference signal is decreased constantly until it gets zero. Therefore, in a phase contrast angiography it is important to correctly set the venc of the sequence to the maximum flow velocity which is expected during the measurement. High venc factors of the PC angiogram (more than 40 cm/sec) will selectively image the arteries (PCA - arteriography), whereas a venc factor of 20 cm/sec will perform the veins and sinuses (PCV or MRV - venography).

See also Flow Quantification, Contrast Enhanced MR Venography, Time of Flight Angiography, Time Resolved Imaging of Contrast Kinetics.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 PCA-MRA 3D Brain Venography Colored MIP  Open this link in a new window


• View the DATABASE results for 'Phase Contrast Sequence' (5).Open this link in a new window

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Motion Compensation Pulse SequencesInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Sequences -
Pulse sequences, designed to be insensitive to flow, e.g. at every even echo, a spin echo sequence is not flow sensitive. Velocity compensation is achieved by using gradients, which are either symmetrical around a 180° pulse and switched on twice as is the case for motion compensated spin echo pulse sequences, or two antisymmetrical gradient lobes without 180° pulse, which is the way to produce a velocity compensated gradient echo pulse sequence.
The signal of the second echo (and all other even echoes) is independent of the velocity of the object. Thus, velocity-based motion effects stemming from the entire voxel or from spins within a voxel (intravoxel incoherent motion) are suppressed with such pulse sequences.
If higher order motion is relevant, as it may be in turbulent jets across valves, acceleration and jerk effects can also be compensated for by the use of appropriate combinations of gradient- and radio frequency pulses.
With the increasingly stronger gradients, echo times in MR systems can be shortened to the point at which effects other than velocity effects hardly ever become relevant.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Motion Compensation Pulse Sequences' (2).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Patient movement during MRI: Additional points to ponder
Tuesday, 5 January 2016   by    
Motion-compensation of Cardiac Perfusion MRI using a Statistical Texture Ensemble(.pdf)
June 2003   by    
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Partial Echo
(PE) The partial echo technique (also called fractional echo) is used to shorten the minimum echo time. By the acquisition of only a part of k-space data this technique benefits (like all partial Fourier techniques) from the complex conjugate symmetry between the k-space halves (this is called Hermitian symmetry).
The dephasing gradient in the frequency direction is reduced, and the duration of the readout gradient and the data acquisition window are shortened. Partial echo gives a better SNR at a given TE when a smaller FOV or thinner slices are selected, allows a longer sampling time, and a larger water fat shift (WFS, see also bandwidth) due to a lower gradient amplitude. The resolution is not affected. This is often used in gradient echo sequences (e.g. FLASH, Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Angiography) to reduce the echo time and yields a lower gradient moment. The disadvantage of using a partial echo can be a lower SNR, although this may be partly offset by the reduced echo time.
Also called Fractional Echo, Read Conjugate Symmetry, Single Side View.

See also Partial Fourier Technique and acronyms for 'partial echo' from different manufacturers.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Partial Echo' (4).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Method and apparatus for subterranean formation flow imaging
MRI Resources 
MRI Physics - Artifacts - Contrast Enhanced MRI - Education - MRI Technician and Technologist Schools - Veterinary MRI
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