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Diffusion Weighted SequenceInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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Diffusion weighted imaging can be performed similar to the phase contrast angiography sequence. The gradients must be increased in amplitude to depict the much slower motions of molecular diffusion in the body.
While a T1 weighted MRI pulse sequence is diffusion sensitive, a quantitative diffusion pulse sequence was introduced by Steijskal and Tanner. Its characteristic features are two strong symmetrical gradient lobes placed on either side of the 180° refocusing pulse in a spin echo sequence. These symmetrical gradient lobes have the sole purpose of enhancing dephasing of spins, thereby accelerating intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) signal loss.
Dephasing is proportional to the square of the time (diffusion time) during which the gradients are switched on and the strength of the applied gradient field. Therefore, the use of high field gradient systems with faster and more sensitive sequences, make diffusion weighting more feasible.
Areas in which the protons diffuse rapidly (swollen cells in early stroke, less restriction to diffusion) will show an increased signal when the echo is measured relative to areas in which diffusion is restricted. For increased accuracy of diffusion measurement and image enhancement, useful motion correction techniques such as navigator echo and other methods should be used. In addition to this, applying the b-value calculated by the strength and duration of motion probing gradients with a high rate of accuracy is very important.

See also Apparent Diffusion Coefficient, ADC Map, Lattice Index Map.
• Related Searches:
    • Diffusion Weighted Imaging
    • B-Value
    • Apparent Diffusion Coefficient
    • Bipolar Gradient Pulse
    • Diffusion
Further Reading:
Diffusion-Weighted Imaging
A Comparison of Methods for High-Spatial-Resolution Diffusion-weighted Imaging in Breast MRI
Tuesday, 25 August 2020   by    
Diffusion Imaging: From Basic Physics to Practical Imaging
1999   by    
  News & More:
DWI-MRI helps breast cancer patients' chemotherapy response
Friday, 20 January 2023   by    
Effect of gadolinium-based contrast agent on breast diffusion-tensor imaging
Thursday, 6 August 2020   by    
Hopkins researchers use diffusion MRI technique to monitor ultrasound uterine fibroid treatment
Monday, 8 August 2005   by    
Diffusion-weighted MRI sensitive for metastasis in pelvic lymph nodes
Sunday, 15 June 2014   by    
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Abdominal ImagingMRI Resource Directory:
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General MRI of the abdomen can consist of T1 or T2 weighted spin echo, fast spin echo (FSE, TSE) or gradient echo sequences with fat suppression and contrast enhanced MRI techniques. The examined organs include liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, adrenals as well as parts of the stomach and intestine (see also gastrointestinal imaging). Respiratory compensation and breath hold imaging is mandatory for a good image quality.
T1 weighted sequences are more sensitive for lesion detection than T2 weighted sequences at 0.5 T, while higher field strengths (greater than 1.0 T), T2 weighted and spoiled gradient echo sequences are used for focal lesion detection. Gradient echo in phase T1 breath hold can be performed as a dynamic series with the ability to visualize the blood distribution. Phases of contrast enhancement include the capillary or arterial dominant phase for demonstrating hypervascular lesions, in liver imaging the portal venous phase demonstrates the maximum difference between the liver and hypovascular lesions, while the equilibrium phase demonstrates interstitial disbursement for edematous and malignant tissues.
Out of phase gradient echo imaging for the abdomen is a lipid-type tissue sensitive sequence and is useful for the visualization of focal hepatic lesions, fatty liver (see also Dixon), hemochromatosis, adrenal lesions and renal masses. The standards for abdominal MRI vary according to clinical sites based on sequence availability and MRI equipment. Specific abdominal imaging coils and liver-specific contrast agents targeted to the healthy liver tissue improve the detection and localization of lesions.
See also Hepatobiliary Contrast Agents, Reticuloendothelial Contrast Agents, and Oral Contrast Agents.

For Ultrasound Imaging (USI) see Abdominal Ultrasound at
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 MR Colonography Gadolinium per Rectum  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
 Anatomic Imaging of the Liver  Open this link in a new window

 CE MRA of the Aorta  Open this link in a new window
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• View the DATABASE results for 'Abdominal Imaging' (11).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Abdominal Imaging' (3).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Abbreviated MRI Protocols for the Abdomen
Friday, 22 March 2019   by    
Abdominal MRI at 3.0 T: The Basics Revisited
Wednesday, 20 July 2005   by    
Usefulness of MR Imaging for Diseases of the Small Intestine: Comparison with CT
2000   by    
  News & More:
Assessment of Female Pelvic Pathologies: A Cross-Sectional Study Among Patients Undergoing Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Pelvic Assessment at the Maternity and Children Hospital, Qassim Region, Saudi Arabia
Saturday, 7 October 2023   by    
Higher Visceral, Subcutaneous Fat Levels Predict Brain Volume Loss in Midlife
Wednesday, 4 October 2023   by    
Deep Learning Helps Provide Accurate Kidney Volume Measurements
Tuesday, 27 September 2022   by    
CT, MRI for pediatric pancreatitis interobserver agreement with INSPPIRE
Friday, 11 March 2022   by    
Clinical trial: Using MRI for prostate cancer diagnosis equals or beats current standard
Thursday, 4 February 2021   by    
Computer-aided detection and diagnosis for prostate cancer based on mono and multi-parametric MRI: A review - Abstract
Tuesday, 28 April 2015   by    
Nottingham scientists exploit MRI technology to assist in the treatment of IBS
Thursday, 9 January 2014   by    
New MR sequence helps radiologists more accurately evaluate abnormalities of the uterus and ovaries
Thursday, 23 April 2009   by    
MRI identifies 'hidden' fat that puts adolescents at risk for disease
Tuesday, 27 February 2007   by    
MRI Resources 
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Cardiac MRIForum -
related threads
In the last years, cardiac MRI techniques have progressively improved. No other noninvasive imaging modality provides the same degree of contrast and temporal resolution for the assessment of cardiovascular anatomy and pathology. Contraindications MRI are the same as for other magnetic resonance techniques.
The primary advantage of MRI is extremely high contrast resolution between different tissue types, including blood. Moreover, MRI is a true 3 dimensional imaging modality and images can be obtained in any oblique plane along the true cardiac axes while preserving high temporal and spatial resolution with precise demonstration of cardiac anatomy without the administration of contrast media.
Due to these properties, MRI can precisely characterize cardiac function and quantify cavity volumes, ejection fraction, and left ventricular mass. In addition, cardiac MRI has the ability to quantify flow (see flow quantification), including bulk flow in vessels, pressure gradients across stenosis, regurgitant fractions and shunt fractions. Valve morphology and area can be determined and the severity of stenosis quantified. In certain disease states, such as myocardial infarction, the contrast resolution of MRI is further improved by the addition of extrinsic contrast agents (see myocardial late enhancement).
A dedicated cardiac coil, and a field strength higher than 1 Tesla is recommended to have sufficient signal. Cardiac MRI acquires ECG gating. Cardiac gating (ECGs) obtained within the MRI scanner, can be degraded by the superimposed electrical potential of flowing blood in the magnetic field. Therefore, excellent contact between the skin and ECG leads is necessary. For male patients, the skin at the lead sites can be shaved. A good cooperation of the patient is necessary because breath holding at the end of expiration is practiced during the most sequences.

See also Displacement Encoding with Stimulated Echoes.
For Ultrasound Imaging (USI) see Cardiac Ultrasound at

See also the related poll results: 'In 2010 your scanner will probably work with a field strength of' and 'MRI will have replaced 50% of x-ray exams by'
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Infarct 4 Chamber Cine  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
 MVP Parasternal  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
 Delayed Myocardial Contrast Enhancement from Infarct  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman

• View the DATABASE results for 'Cardiac MRI' (15).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Cardiac MRI' (15).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Cardiac MRI - Technical Aspects Primer
Wednesday, 7 August 2002
Prediction of Myocardial Viability by MRI
1999   by    
  News & More:
MRI technology visualizes heart metabolism in real time
Friday, 18 November 2022   by    
Even early forms of liver disease affect heart health, Cedars-Sinai study finds
Thursday, 8 December 2022   by    
MRI sheds light on COVID vaccine-associated heart muscle injury
Tuesday, 15 February 2022   by    
Radiologists must master cardiac CT, MRI to keep pace with demand: The heart is not a magical organ
Monday, 1 March 2021   by    
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in the heart (myocardium)
Sunday, 30 August 2020   by    
Non-invasive diagnostic procedures for suspected CHD: Search reveals informative evidence
Wednesday, 8 July 2020   by    
Cardiac MRI Becoming More Widely Available Thanks to AI and Reduced Exam Times
Wednesday, 19 February 2020   by    
Controlling patient's breathing makes cardiac MRI more accurate
Friday, 13 May 2016   by    
Precise visualization of myocardial injury: World's first patient-based cardiac MRI study using 7T MRI
Wednesday, 10 February 2016   by    
New technique could allow for safer, more accurate heart scans
Thursday, 10 December 2015   by    
MRI Resources 
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Knee MRI
Knee MRI, with its high soft tissue contrast is one of the main imaging tools to depict knee joint pathology. MRI allows accurate imaging of intra-articular structures such as ligaments, cartilage, menisci, bone marrow, synovium, and adjacent soft tissue.
Knee exams require a dedicated extremity coil, providing a homogenous imaging volume and high SNR to ensure best signal coverage. A complete knee MR examination includes for example sagittal and coronal T1 weighted, and proton density weighted pulse sequences +/- fat saturation, or STIR sequences. For high spatial resolution, maximal 4 mm thick slices with at least an in plane resolution of 0.75 mm and small gap are recommended. To depict the anterior cruciate ligament clearly, the sagittal plane has to be rotated 10 - 20° externally (parallel to the medial border of the femoral condyle). Retropatellar cartilage can bee seen for example in axial T2 weighted gradient echo sequences with Fatsat. However, the choice of the pulse sequences is depended of the diagnostic question, the used scanner, and preference of the operator.
Diagnostic quality in knee imaging is possible with field strengths ranging from 0.2 to 3T. With low field strengths more signal averages must be measured, resulting in increased scan times to provide equivalent quality as high field strengths.
More diagnostic information of meniscal tears and chondral defects can be obtained by direct magnetic resonance arthrography, which is done by introducing a dilute solution of gadolinium in saline (1:1000) into the joint capsule. The knee is then scanned in all three planes using T1W sequences with fat suppression. For indirect arthrography, the contrast is given i.v. and similar scans are started 20 min. after injection and exercise of the knee.
Frequent indications of MRI scans in musculoskeletal knee diseases are:
e.g., meniscal degeneration and tears, ligament injuries, osteochondral fractures, osteochondritis dissecans, avascular bone necrosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

See also Imaging of the Extremities and STIR.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Sagittal Knee MRI Images T1 Weighted  Open this link in a new window

 Anatomic MRI of the Knee 2  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

 Knee MRI Coronal Pd Spir 001  Open this link in a new window
 Sagittal Knee MRI Images STIR  Open this link in a new window

 Axial Knee MRI Images T2 Weighted  Open this link in a new window
 Anatomic MRI of the Knee 1  Open this link in a new window
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• View the DATABASE results for 'Knee MRI' (4).Open this link in a new window

• View the NEWS results for 'Knee MRI' (4).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Musculoskeletal MRI at 3.0 T: Relaxation Times and Image Contrast
Sunday, 1 August 2004   by    
Knee, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries (MRI)
Tuesday, 28 March 2006   by    
  News & More:
NSAIDs May Worsen Arthritis Inflammation
Monday, 21 November 2022   by    
A Knee MRI in Half the Time? It's Possible
Thursday, 8 April 2021   by    
Seniors, patients, astronauts will all benefit from new USask research on bone health
Saturday, 27 February 2021   by    
3D mapping algorithm reads knee MRIs for new arthritis treatments
Thursday, 11 June 2020   by    
MRI T2 Mapping of the Knee Providing Synthetic Morphologic Images: Comparison to Conventional Turbo Spin-Echo MRI
Tuesday, 1 October 2019   by    
Researcher uses MRI to measure joint's geometry and role in severe knee injury
Tuesday, 23 September 2014   by    
Abnormalities on MRI predict knee replacement
Monday, 9 March 2015   by    
MRI Resources 
Diffusion Weighted Imaging - Chemistry - Shielding - MRI Technician and Technologist Jobs - Collections - General
Spoiled Gradient Echo SequenceInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Sequences -
Spoiled gradient echo sequences use a spoiler gradient on the slice select axis during the end module to destroy any remaining transverse magnetization after the readout gradient, which is the case for short repetition times.
As a result, only z-magnetization remains during a subsequent excitation. This types of sequences use semi-random changes in the phase of radio frequency pulses to produce a spatially independent phase shift.
Companies use different acronyms to describe certain techniques.

Different terms for these gradient echo pulse sequences:
CE-FFE-T1 Contrast Enhanced Fast Field Echo with T1 Weighting,
GFE Gradient Field Echo,
FLASH Fast Low Angle Shot,
PS Partial Saturation,
RF spoiled FAST RF Spoiled Fourier Acquired Steady State Technique,
RSSARGE Radio Frequency Spoiled Steady State Acquisition Rewound Gradient Echo
S-GRE Spoiled Gradient Echo,
SHORT Short Repetition Techniques,
SPGR Spoiled Gradient Recalled (spoiled GRASS),
STAGE T1W T1 weighted Small Tip Angle Gradient Echo,
T1-FAST T1 weighted Fourier Acquired Steady State Technique,
T1-FFE T1 weighted Fast Field Echo.
In this context, 'contrast enhanced' refers to the pulse sequence, it does not mean enhancement with a contrast agent.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Spoiled Gradient Echo Sequence' (11).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Cutting Edge Imaging of THE Spine
February 2007   by    
MRI Resources 
Bioinformatics - Contrast Enhanced MRI - Implant and Prosthesis - Pediatric and Fetal MRI - Manufacturers - Mass Spectrometry
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