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Magnetic Resonance Angiography MRAMRI Resource Directory:
 - MRA -
(MRA) Magnetic resonance angiography is a medical imaging technique to visualize blood filled structures, including arteries, veins and the heart chambers. This MRI technique creates soft tissue contrast between blood vessels and surrounding tissues primarily created by flow, rather than displaying the vessel lumen. There are bright blood and black blood MRA techniques, named according to the appearance of the blood vessels. With this different MRA techniques both, the blood flow and the condition of the blood vessel walls can be seen. Flow effects in MRI can produce a range of artifacts. MRA takes advantage of these artifacts to create predictable image contrast due to the nature of flow.
Technical parameters of the MRA sequence greatly affect the sensitivity of the images to flow with different velocities or directions, turbulent flow and vessel size.
This are the three main types of MRA:
All angiographic techniques differentially enhance vascular MR signal. The names of the bright blood techniques TOF and PCA reflect the physical properties of flowing blood that were exploited to make the vessels appear bright. Contrast enhanced magnetic resonance angiography creates the angiographic effect by using an intravenously administered MR contrast agent to selectively shorten the T1 of blood and thereby cause the vessels to appear bright on T1 weighted images.
MRA images optimally display areas of constant blood flow-velocity, but there are many situations where the flow within a voxel has non-uniform speed or direction. In a diseased vessel these patterns are even more complex. Similar loss of streamline flow occurs at all vessel junctions and stenoses, and in regions of mural thrombosis. It results in a loss of signal, due to the loss of phase coherence between spins in the voxel.
This signal loss, usually only noticeable distal to a stenosis, used to be an obvious characteristic of MRA images. It is minimized by using small voxels and the shortest possible TE. Signal loss from disorganized flow is most noticeable in TOF imaging but also affects the PCA images.
Indications to perform a magnetic resonance angiography (MRA):
Detection of aneurysms and dissections
Evaluation of the vessel anatomy, including variants
Blockage by a blood clot or stenosis of the blood vessel caused by plaques (the buildup of fat and calcium deposits)

Conventional angiography or computerized tomography angiography (CT angiography) may be needed after MRA if a problem (such as an aneurysm) is present or if surgery is being considered.

See also Magnetic Resonance Imaging MRI.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 CE-MRA of the Carotid Arteries Colored MIP  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

 CE MRA of the Aorta  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

 TOF-MRA Circle of Willis Inverted MIP  Open this link in a new window

 PCA-MRA 3D Brain Venography Colored MIP  Open this link in a new window

 Circle of Willis, Time of Flight, MIP  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

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Further Reading:
Magnetic resonance angiography: current status and future directions
Wednesday, 9 March 2011   by    
  News & More:
3-D-printed model of stenotic intracranial artery enables vessel-wall MRI standardization
Friday, 14 April 2017   by    
Conventional MRI and MR Angiography of Stroke
2012   by    
MR Angiography Highly Accurate In Detecting Blocked Arteries
Thursday, 1 February 2007   by    
MRI Resources 
MR Guided Interventions - Homepages - Education - Mobile MRI Rental - IR - Musculoskeletal and Joint MRI
Partial Fourier Technique
The partial Fourier technique is a modification of the Fourier transformation imaging method used in MRI in which the symmetry of the raw data in k-space is used to reduce the data acquisition time by acquiring only a part of k-space data.
The symmetry in k-space is a basic property of Fourier transformation and is called Hermitian symmetry. Thus, for the case of a real valued function g, the data on one half of k-space can be used to generate the data on the other half.
Utilization of this symmetry to reduce the acquisition time depends on whether the MRI problem obeys the assumption made above, i.e. that the function being characterized is real.
The function imaged in MRI is the distribution of transverse magnetization Mxy, which is a vector quantity having a magnitude, and a direction in the transverse plane. A convenient mathematical notation is to use a complex number to denote a vector quantity such as the transverse magnetization, by assigning the x'-component of the magnetization to the real part of the number and the y'-component to the imaginary part. (Sometimes, this mathematical convenience is stretched somewhat, and the magnetization is described as having a real component and an imaginary component. Physically, the x' and y' components of Mxy are equally 'real' in the tangible sense.)
Thus, from the known symmetry properties for the Fourier transformation of a real valued function, if the transverse magnetization is entirely in the x'-component (i.e. the y'-component is zero), then an image can be formed from the data for only half of k-space (ignoring the effects of the imaging gradients, e.g. the readout- and phase encoding gradients).
The conditions under which Hermitian symmetry holds and the corrections that must be applied when the assumption is not strictly obeyed must be considered.
There are a variety of factors that can change the phase of the transverse magnetization:
Off resonance (e.g. chemical shift and magnetic field inhomogeneity cause local phase shifts in gradient echo pulse sequences. This is less of a problem in spin echo pulse sequences.
Flow and motion in the presence of gradients also cause phase shifts.
Effects of the radio frequency RF pulses can also cause phase shifts in the image, especially when different coils are used to transmit and receive.
Only, if one can assume that the phase shifts are slowly varying across the object (i.e. not completely independent in each pixel) significant benefits can still be obtained. To avoid problems due to slowly varying phase shifts in the object, more than one half of k-space must be covered. Thus, both sides of k-space are measured in a low spatial frequency range while at higher frequencies they are measured only on one side. The fully sampled low frequency portion is used to characterize (and correct for) the slowly varying phase shifts.
Several reconstruction algorithms are available to achieve this. The size of the fully sampled region is dependent on the spatial frequency content of the phase shifts. The partial Fourier method can be employed to reduce the number of phase encoding values used and therefore to reduce the scan time. This method is sometimes called half-NEX, 3/4-NEX imaging, etc. (NEX/NSA). The scan time reduction comes at the expense of signal to noise ratio (SNR).
Partial k-space coverage is also useable in the readout direction. To accomplish this, the dephasing gradient in the readout direction is reduced, and the duration of the readout gradient and the data acquisition window are shortened.
This is often used in gradient echo imaging to reduce the echo time (TE). The benefit is at the expense in SNR, although this may be partly offset by the reduced echo time. Partial Fourier imaging should not be used when phase information is eligible, as in phase contrast angiography.

See also acronyms for 'partial Fourier techniques' from different manufacturers.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Partial Fourier Technique' (6).Open this link in a new window

MRI Resources 
Resources - Bioinformatics - MR Myelography - MRI Physics - Databases - DICOM
Signa 3.0T™InfoSheet: - Devices -
Types of Magnets, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Devices - (Signa VH/i 3.0T)
With GE Healthcare leading-edge technology in ultra-high-field imaging. The 3 T VH/i provides a platform for advanced applications in radiology, cardiology, psychology and psychiatry. Real-time image processing lets you acquire multislice whole brain images and map brain functions for research or surgical planning. And the 3 T Signa VH/i is flexible enough to provide clinicians with high performance they require. It can provide not only outstanding features in brain scanning and neuro-system research, but also a wide range of use in scanning breasts, extremities, the spine and the cardiovascular systems.
Device Information and Specification
Whole body
Cylindrical - high homogeneity
T/R quadrature head, T/R quadrature body, T/R phased array extremity (opt)
ECG/peripheral, respiratory gating
SE, IR, 2D/3D GRE, FGRE, RF-spoiled GRE, FSE, Angiography: 2D/3D TOF, 2D/3D phase contrast vascular
Single, multislice, volume study, fast scan, multi slab, cine, localizer
100 Images/sec with Reflex100
100 Images/sec with Reflex100
1 cm to 40 cm continuous
2D 0.5-100mm in 0.1mm incremental
1280 x 1024
128x512 steps 32 phase encode
256 gray levels
15102 kg incl. cryogen's
260cm x 238cm x 265cm
480 or 380/415, 3 phase ||
Closed-loop water-cooled grad.
Less than 0.14 L/hr liquid He
5-GAUSS FRINGE FIELD, radial/axial
5.4 m x 3.2 m
Superconductive + hi order active

• View the DATABASE results for 'Signa 3.0T™' (2).Open this link in a new window

Searchterm 'Phase Contrast' was also found in the following services: 
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Signa Contour/i 0.5T™InfoSheet: - Devices -
Types of Magnets, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Devices - From GE Healthcare;
GE's Signa Contour/i system uses the innovations like K4 technology and real-time interactive imaging. This compact magnet with wide-flare gantry obtains high patient comfort with low costs.
Device Information and Specification
Whole body
Head and body coil standard; all other coils optional; open architecture makes system compatible with a wide selection of coils
ECG/peripheral, respiratory gating
Standard: SE, IR, 2D/3D GRE and SPGR, Angiography;; 2D/3D TOF, 2D/3D Phase Contrast;; 2D/3D FSE, 2D/3D FGRE and FSPGR, SSFP, FLAIR, optional: EPI, 2D/3D Fiesta, FGRET, Spiral
Localizer, single slice, multislice, volume, fast, POMP, multi slab
1 cm to 48 cm continuous
2D 0.8 mm to 20 mm; 3D 0.1 mm to 5 mm
1280 x 1024
128x512 steps 32 phase encode
256 gray levels
480 or 380/415 V
Closed-loop water-cooled gradient
SmartSpeed 23 mT/m, HiSpeed Plus 33 mT/m
MRI Resources 
Stent - MRI Accidents - Liver Imaging - Libraries - Research Labs - MRI Training Courses
Signa HDe 1.5T™InfoSheet: - Devices -
Types of Magnets, 
etc. From GE Healthcare;
GE Healthcare has added the Signa HDe 1.5T™, a compact MRI device at an affordable price to its family of MRI products. It has a single electronic cabinet that can be positioned inside the scanner room rather than in a separate equipment room. The Signa HDe 1.5T can be installed in the same physical location as 0.5T MRI systems with minimal construction costs. According to GE, the installation has been simplified to last only 7 days and has a 30 percent smaller footprint than a typical 1.5T system.
The 1.5T Signa™ HDe MRI system is substantially equivalent to the currently marketed GE 1.5T machines. The data acquisition system supports 1, 4, 8 independent receive channels and multiple independent coil elements per channel during a single acquisition series. The gradient specifications of HDe are lower than other GE Signa 1.5T MRI systems, but it can support clinical applications in cardiac and spectroscopy imaging.
Device Information and Specification
Whole body
Compact short bore
Head and body coil standard; all other coils optional e.g., abdomen, spine, breast, knee, shoulder, cardiac imaging coils
ECG/peripheral, respiratory gating, (SmartPrep, SmartStep)
Standard: SE, IR, 2D/3D GRE and SPGR, Angiography: 2D/3D TOF, 2D/3D Phase Contrast; 2D/3D FSE, 2D/3D FGRE and FSPGR, SSFP, FLAIR, EPI
2D single slice, multi slice, and 3D volume images, multi slab, cine
1 cm to 48 cm continuous
2D 0.7 mm to 20 mm; 3D 0.1 mm to 5 mm
1028 x 1024
128x512 steps 32 phase encode
256 gray levels
480 or 380/415
Closed-loop water-cooled gradient
less than 0.03 L/hr liquid helium

• View the NEWS results for 'Signa HDe 1.5T™' (1).Open this link in a new window.
Further Reading:
Signa HDe 1.5T
MRI Resources 
Veterinary MRI - Jobs - Online Books - Nerve Stimulator - Developers - MRI Accidents
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