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Examinations - Chemistry - Education - Collections - Manufacturers - Non-English
CHORUS 1.5Tâ„¢InfoSheet: - Devices -
Types of Magnets, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Devices - 'Next generation MRI system 1.5T CHORUS developed by ISOL Technology is optimized for both clinical diagnostic imaging and for research development.
CHORUS offers the complete range of feature oriented advanced imaging techniques- for both clinical routine and research. The compact short bore magnet, the patient friendly design and the gradient technology make the innovation to new degree of perfection in magnetic resonance.'
Device Information and Specification
Whole body
Short bore
Head, C-spine, L-spine, TMJ, Knee, Shoulder, General purpose, Phased Array System: 4 digital receiver channels (Up to 12 channels)
ECG/peripheral: Optional/yes, respiratory gating
Spin Echo, Gradient Echo, Fast Spin Echo, Inversion Recovery (STIR, Fluid Attenuated Inversion Recovery), FLASH, FISP, PSIF, Turbo Flash ( MPRAGE ),TOF MR Angiography, Standard echo planar imaging package (SE-EPI, GE-EPI), Optional: Advanced P.A. Imaging Package (up to 4 ch.), Advanced echo planar imaging package, Single Shot and Diffusion Weighted EPI, IR/FLAIR EPI
2D/3D, Travelling Sat, Multi-Slab 3D, MTC and TONE Pulse Sequence, Fat/Water Suppression, Presaturation (up to 6 bands), Flow Compensation using GMR pulse, Multi-Slice, Multi-Group Imaging
Image reconstruction time (2562 ) : 0.02 s
40 cm
or W x H
58 cm diameter (patient)
4050 kg
233 x 206 x 160 cm
Water-cooled coil and air-cooled amplifier
0.07 L/hr helium
20 mT/m (Upto 27 mT/m)
2.5 m / 3.8 m
Passive and active
MRI Resources 
Abdominal Imaging - Open Directory Project - Chemistry - Equipment - Health - Guidance
ENCORE 0.5Tâ„¢InfoSheet: - Devices -
Types of Magnets, 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Devices - 'MRI system is not an expensive equipment anymore. ENCORE developed by ISOL Technology is a low cost MRI system with the advantages like of the 1.0T MRI scanner. Developed specially for the overseas market, the ENCORE is gaining popularity in the domestic market by medium sized hospitals.
Due to the optimum RF and Gradient application technology. ENCORE enables to obtain high resolution imaging and 2D/3D Angio images which was only possible in high field MR systems.'
- Less consumption of the helium gas due to the ultra-lightweight magnet specially designed and manufactured for ISOL. - Cost efficiency MR system due to air cooling type (equivalent to permanent magnetic). - Patient processing speed of less than 20 minutes.'
Device Information and Specification
Whole body
Short bore compact
Head, C-spine, L-spine, TMJ, Knee, Shoulder, General purpose, Phased Array System: 4 digital receiver channels (Up to 12 channels)
ECG/peripheral: Optional/yes, respiratory gating
Image reconstruction time (2562 ) : 0.02 s
40 cm
or W x H
58 cm diameter
3200 kg
200 x 168 x 187 cm
Air-cooled coil and amplifier
0.05 L/hr helium
15 mT/m
2.3 m / 3.1 m
Passive and active

• View the DATABASE results for 'ENCORE 0.5T™' (2).Open this link in a new window

MRI Resources 
Coils - Guidance - Cochlear Implant - Devices - NMR - MR Guided Interventions
Sensitivity EncodingInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
Types of, 
(SENSE) A MRI technique for relevant scan time reduction. The spatial information related to the coils of a receiver array are utilized for reducing conventional Fourier encoding. In principle, SENSE can be applied to any imaging sequence and k-space trajectories. However, it is particularly feasible for Cartesian sampling schemes. In 2D Fourier imaging with common Cartesian sampling of k-space sensitivity encoding by means of a receiver array enables to reduce the number of Fourier encoding steps.
SENSE reconstruction without artifacts relies on accurate knowledge of the individual coil sensitivities. For sensitivity assessment, low-resolution, fully Fourier-encoded reference images are required, obtained with each array element and with a body coil.
The major negative point of parallel imaging techniques is that they diminish SNR in proportion to the numbers of reduction factors. R is the factor by which the number of k-space samples is reduced. In standard Fourier imaging reducing the sampling density results in the reduction of the FOV, causing aliasing. In fact, SENSE reconstruction in the Cartesian case is efficiently performed by first creating one such aliased image for each array element using discrete Fourier transformation (DFT).
The next step then is to create a full-FOV image from the set of intermediate images. To achieve this one must undo the signal superposition underlying the fold-over effect. That is, for each pixel in the reduced FOV the signal contributions from a number of positions in the full FOV need to be separated. These positions form a Cartesian grid corresponding to the size of the reduced FOV.
The advantages are especially true for contrast-enhanced MR imaging such as dynamic liver MRI (liver imaging) , 3 dimensional magnetic resonance angiography (3D MRA), and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreaticography (MRCP).
The excellent scan speed of SENSE allows for acquisition of two separate sets of hepatic MR images within the time regarded as the hepatic arterial-phase (double arterial-phase technique) as well as that of multidetector CT.
SENSE can also increase the time efficiency of spatial signal encoding in 3D MRA. With SENSE, even ultrafast (sub second) 4D MRA can be realized.
For MRCP acquisition, high-resolution 3D MRCP images can be constantly provided by SENSE. This is because SENSE resolves the presence of the severe motion artifacts due to longer acquisition time. Longer acquisition time, which results in diminishing image quality, is the greatest problem for 3D MRCP imaging.
In addition, SENSE reduces the train of gradient echoes in combination with a faster k-space traversal per unit time, thereby dramatically improving the image quality of single shot echo planar imaging (i.e. T2 weighted, diffusion weighted imaging).

• View the DATABASE results for 'Sensitivity Encoding' (12).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Image Characteristics and Quality
MRI Resources 
Crystallography - Shoulder MRI - DICOM - Implant and Prosthesis - Cochlear Implant - Corporations
Transmit Receive CoilInfoSheet: - Coils - 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Coils -
(T/R) Also called transceiver coil. An RF coil that acts as a transmitter (T) producing the B1 excitation field and as a receiver (R) of the MRI signal. Such a coil requires a T/R switching circuit to switch between the two modes. A body coil is typically a T/R coil, but smaller volume T/R coils (head/extremities) are often used at high field as a possibility of reducing RF power absorption (SAR).
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 MRI of the Skull Base  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

 Anatomic Imaging of the Orbita  Open this link in a new window


• View the DATABASE results for 'Transmit Receive Coil' (4).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
System Architecture
2003   by    
Electrical eddy currents in the human body: MRI scans and medical implants
MRI Resources 
Absorption and Emission - Shoulder MRI - Safety pool - Spectroscopy - Abdominal Imaging - Hospitals
Radio Frequency CoilInfoSheet: - Coils - 
etc.MRI Resource Directory:
 - Coils -
A coil is a large inductor with a considerable dimension and a defined wavelength, commonly used in configurations for MR imaging. The frequency of the radio frequency coil is defined by the Larmor relationship.
The MRI image quality depends on the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the acquired signal from the patient. Several MR imaging coils are necessary to handle the diversity of applications. Large coils have a large measurement field, but low signal intensity and vice versa (see also coil diameter). The closer the coil to the object, the stronger the signal - the smaller the volume, the higher the SNR. SNR is very important in obtaining clear images of the human body. The shape of the coil depends on the image sampling. The best available homogeneity can be reached by choice of the appropriate coil type and correct coil positioning. Orientation is critical to the sensitivity of the RF coil and therefore the coil should be perpendicular to the static magnetic field.

RF coils can be differentiated by there function into three general categories:
The RF signal is in the range of 10 to 100 MHz. During a typical set of clinical image measurements, the entire frequency spectrum of interest is of the order 10 kHz, which is an extremely narrow band, considering that the center frequency is about 100 MHz. This allows the use of single-frequency matching techniques for coils because their inherent bandwidth always exceeds the image bandwidth. The multi turn solenoid, bird cage coil, single turn solenoid, and saddle coil are typically operated as the transmitter and receiver of RF energy. The surface and phased array coils are typically operated as a receive only coil.

See also the related poll result: '3rd party coils are better than the original manufacturer coils'
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Circle of Willis, Time of Flight, MIP  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview

 Anatomic MRI of the Knee 1  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview


• View the DATABASE results for 'Radio Frequency Coil' (9).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Radio-frequency Coil Selection for MR Imaging of the Brain and Skull Base1
  News & More:
High-field MRI Coils – that work, superbly, even at 750 MHz
Magnetic resonance-guided motorized transcranial ultrasound system for blood-brain barrier permeabilization along arbitrary trajectories in rodents
Thursday, 24 December 2015   by    
MRI Resources 
Safety pool - Liver Imaging - Services and Supplies - Veterinary MRI - IR - Brain MRI
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