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Echo Planar ImagingInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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Echo Planar Imaging Timing Diagram (EPI) Echo planar imaging is one of the early magnetic resonance imaging sequences (also known as Intascan), used in applications like diffusion, perfusion, and functional magnetic resonance imaging. Other sequences acquire one k-space line at each phase encoding step. When the echo planar imaging acquisition strategy is used, the complete image is formed from a single data sample (all k-space lines are measured in one repetition time) of a gradient echo or spin echo sequence (see single shot technique) with an acquisition time of about 20 to 100 ms. The pulse sequence timing diagram illustrates an echo planar imaging sequence from spin echo type with eight echo train pulses. (See also Pulse Sequence Timing Diagram, for a description of the components.)
In case of a gradient echo based EPI sequence the initial part is very similar to a standard gradient echo sequence. By periodically fast reversing the readout or frequency encoding gradient, a train of echoes is generated.
EPI requires higher performance from the MRI scanner like much larger gradient amplitudes. The scan time is dependent on the spatial resolution required, the strength of the applied gradient fields and the time the machine needs to ramp the gradients.
In EPI, there is water fat shift in the phase encoding direction due to phase accumulations. To minimize water fat shift (WFS) in the phase direction fat suppression and a wide bandwidth (BW) are selected. On a typical EPI sequence, there is virtually no time at all for the flat top of the gradient waveform. The problem is solved by "ramp sampling" through most of the rise and fall time to improve image resolution.
The benefits of the fast imaging time are not without cost. EPI is relatively demanding on the scanner hardware, in particular on gradient strengths, gradient switching times, and receiver bandwidth. In addition, EPI is extremely sensitive to image artifacts and distortions.
• Related Searches:
    • Echo Planar Imaging Factor
    • Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    • Motion Probing Gradient
    • Sensitivity Encoding
    • Perfusion Imaging
Further Reading:
New Imaging Method Makes Brain Scans 7 Times Faster
Sunday, 9 January 2011   by    
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MR Guided Interventions - MRA - Pacemaker - Education pool - Veterinary MRI - Absorption and Emission
Fast Acquisition with Multiphase EFGRE3DInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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(FAME) The FAME MRI technique uses a 3dimensional fast SPGR pulse sequence to acquire high resolution images. With its short scan time, FAME is useful for dynamic liver imaging with multiple phases.
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Fast Low Angle ShotInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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(FLASH) A fast sequence producing signals called gradient echo with low flip angles. FLASH sequences are modifications, which incorporate or remove the effects of transverse coherence respectively.
FLASH uses a semi-random spoiler gradient after each echo to spoil the steady state (to destroy any remaining transverse magnetization) by causing a spatially dependent phase shift. The transverse steady state is spoiled but the longitudinal steady state depends on the T1 values and the flip angle. Extremely short TR times are possible, as a result the sequence provides a mechanism for gaining extremely high T1 contrast by imaging with TR times as brief as 20 to 30 msec while retaining reasonable signal levels. It is important to keep the TE as short as possible to suppress susceptibility artifacts.
The T1 contrast depends on the TR as well as on flip angle, with short TE.
Small flip angles and short TR results in proton density, and long TR in T2* weighting.
With large flip angles and short TR result T1 weighted images.

TR and flip angle adjustment:

TR 3000 ms, Flip Angle 90°
TR 1500 ms, Flip Angle 45°
TR 700 ms, Flip Angle 25°
TR 125 ms, Flip Angle 10°

The apparent ability to trade TR against flip angle for purposes of contrast and the variation in SNR as the scan time (TR) is reduced.

See also Gradient Echo Sequence.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Fetus (Brain) and Dermoid in Mother  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman


• View the DATABASE results for 'Fast Low Angle Shot' (5).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
Motion Compensation in MR Imaging
Turbo-FLASH Based Arterial Spin Labeled Perfusion MRI at 7 T
Thursday, 20 June 2013   by    
Usefulness of MR Imaging for Diseases of the Small Intestine: Comparison with CT
2000   by    
Searchterm 'SCan Time' was also found in the following services: 
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Fast Relaxation Fast Spin EchoInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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(FRFSE, FR-FSE) The fast relaxation fast spin echo sequence provides high signal intensity of fluids even with short repetition times, and can be used with parallel imaging techniques for short breath hold imaging or respiratory gating for free-breathing, high isotropic resolution MR imaging. After signal decay at the end of the echo train, a negative 90° pulse align spins with long T2 from the transverse plane to the longitudinal plane, leading to a much faster recovery of tissues with long T2 time to the equilibrium and thus better contrast between tissues with long and short T2.
Fast relaxation FSE has advantages also for volumetric imaging as the TR can be substantially reduced and thus the scan time. The sequence can be post processed with maximum intensity projection, surface or volume rendering algorithms to visualize anatomical details in brain or spine MRI. Cerebro spinal fluid pulsation artifacts, often problematic in the cervical or thoracic spine may be reduced by radial sampling, in particular when combined with acquisitions of the PROPELLER type.

See also Fast spin echo, Driven Equilibrium.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Shoulder Sagittal T2 FatSat FRFSE  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
 Shoulder Axial T2 FatSat FRFSE  Open this link in a new window
 Shoulder Coronal T2 FatSat FRFSE  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
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Fat SuppressionForum -
related threads
Fat suppression is the process of utilizing specific MRI parameters to remove the deleterious effects of fat from the resulting images , e.g. with STIR, FAT SAT sequences, water selective (PROSET WATS - water only selection, also FATS - fat only selection possible) excitation techniques, or pulse sequences based on the Dixon method.
Spin magnetization can be modulated by using special RF pulses. CHESS or its variations like SPIR, SPAIR (Spectral Selection Attenuated Inversion Recovery) and FAT SAT use frequency selective excitation pulses, which produce fat saturation.
Fat suppression techniques are nearly used in all body parts and belong to every standard MRI protocol of joints like knee, shoulder, hips, etc.
mri safety guidance
Image Guidance
Imaging of, e.g. the foot can induce bad fat suppression with SPIR/FAT SAT due to the asymmetric volume of this body part. The volume of the foot alters the magnetic field to a different degree than the smaller volume of the lower leg affecting the protons there. There is only a small band of tissue where the fat protons are precessing at the frequency expected, resulting in frequency selective fat saturation working only in that area. This can be corrected by volume shimming or creating a more symmetrical volume being imaged with water bags.
Even with their longer scan time and motion sensitivity, STIR (short T1/tau inversion recovery) sequences are often the better choice to suppress fat. STIR images are also preferred because of the decreased sensitivity to field inhomogeneities, permitting larger fields of views when compared to fat suppressed images and the ability to image away from the isocenter.
See also Knee MRI.
Sequences based on Dixon turbo spin echo (fast spin echo) can deliver a significant better fat suppression than conventional TSE/FSE imaging.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Shoulder Axial T2 FatSat FRFSE  Open this link in a new window

Courtesy of  Robert R. Edelman
 MRI Orbita T2 FatSat  Open this link in a new window
 Knee MRI Sagittal STIR 001  Open this link in a new window
 MRI - Anatomic Imaging of the Ankle 3  Open this link in a new window
SlidersSliders Overview


• View the DATABASE results for 'Fat Suppression' (28).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Techniques of Fat Suppression(.pdf)
  News & More:
Enhanced Fast GRadient Echo 3-Dimensional (efgre3D) or THRIVE
Ultrashort echo time (UTE) MRI of the spine in thalassaemia
February 2004   by    
MRI Resources 
MRI Technician and Technologist Jobs - General - Mobile MRI - Image Quality - Devices - Breast MRI
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