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Intravoxel Incoherent Motion
(IVIM) Spins moving in fluids with different velocities and possibly in different directions. This is being found to a small degree in all tissues as a result of capillary perfusion or diffusion. Important velocity changes occur as one moves from the vessel wall towards the center of the vessel. Hence, spins (to a variable degree) have different velocities within a single imaging voxel.
This effect can be measured using special pulse sequences such as in diffusion imaging or diffusion weighed imaging. When the velocity differences are marked, as occurs in larger blood vessels, effects due to IVIM are visible in standard MR images and give rise to flow related dephasing. The effects are more visible when longer echo times are used.
Further Reading:
Diffusion Imaging: From Basic Physics to Practical Imaging
1999   by    
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Ultrasound  (1) Open this link in a new window
Magnetization Transfer
(MT) Magnetization Transfer was accidentally discovered by Wolff and Balaban in 1989. Conventional MRI is based on the differences in T1, T2 and the proton density (water content and the mobility of water molecules) in tissue; it relies primarily on free (bulk) water protons. The T2 relaxation times are greater than 10 ms and detectable. The T2 relaxation times of protons associated with macromolecules are less then 1 ms and not detectable in MRI.
Magnetization Transfer Imaging (MTI) is based on the magnetization interaction (through dipolar and/or chemical exchange) between bulk water protons and macromolecular protons. By applying an off resonance radio frequency pulse to the macromolecular protons, the saturation of these protons is then transferred to the bulk water protons. The result is a decrease in signal (the net magnetization of visible protons is reduced), depending on the magnitude of MT between tissue macromolecules and bulk water. With MTI, the presence or absence of macromolecules (e.g. in membranes, brain tissue) can be seen.
The magnetization transfer ratio (MTR) is the difference in signal intensity with or without MT.

See also Magnetization Transfer Contrast.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Magnetization Transfer' (7).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
The Basics of MRI
  News & More:
Gold-manganese nanoparticles for targeted diagnostic and imaging
Thursday, 12 November 2015   by    
Magnetization Transfer Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Hepatic Tumors(.pdf)
MRI Resources 
DICOM - Stimulator pool - Lung Imaging - Education pool - Collections - Devices
Magnetization Transfer Contrast
(MTC) This MRI method increases the contrast by removing a portion of the total signal in tissue. An off resonance radio frequency (RF) pulse saturates macromolecular protons to make them invisible (caused by their ultra-short T2* relaxation times). The MRI signal from semi-solid tissue like brain parenchyma is reduced, and the signal from a more fluid component like blood is retained.
E.g., saturation of broad spectral lines may produce decreases in intensity of lines not directly saturated, through exchange of magnetization between the corresponding states; more closely coupled states will show a greater resulting intensity change. Magnetization transfer techniques make demyelinated brain or spine lesions (as seen e.g. in multiple sclerosis) better visible on T2 weighted images as well as on gadolinium contrast enhanced T1 weighted images.
Off resonance makes use of a selection gradient during an off resonance MTC pulse. The gradient has a negative offset frequency on the arterial side of the imaging volume (caudally more off resonant and cranially less off resonant). The net effect of this type of pulse is that the arterial blood outside the imaging volume will retain more of its longitudinal magnetization, with more vascular signal when it enters the imaging volume. Off resonance MTC saturates the venous blood, leaving the arterial blood untouched.
On resonance has no effect on the free water pool but will saturate the bound water pool and is the difference in T2 between the pools. Special binomial pulses are transmitted causing the magnetization of the free protons to remain unchanged. The z-magnetization returns to its original value. The spins of the bound pool with a short T2 experience decay, resulting in a destroyed magnetization after the on resonance pulse.

See also Magnetization Transfer.

• View the DATABASE results for 'Magnetization Transfer Contrast' (5).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
  News & More:
MRI of the Human Eye Using Magnetization Transfer Contrast Enhancement
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Phase Contrast SequenceMRI Resource Directory:
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(PC) Phase contrast sequences are the basis of MRA techniques utilizing the change in the phase shifts of the flowing protons in the region of interest to create an image. Spins that are moving along the direction of a magnetic field gradient receive a phase shift proportional to their velocity.
In a phase contrast sequence two data sets with a different amount of flow sensitivity are acquired. This is usually accomplished by applying gradient pairs, which sequentially dephase and then rephase spins during the sequence. Both 2D and 3D acquisition techniques can be applied with phase contrast MRA.
The first data set is acquired with a flow compensated sequence, i. e. without flow sensitivity. The second data set is acquired with a flow sensitive sequence. The amount of flow sensitivity is controlled by the strength of the bipolar gradient pulse pair, which is incorporated into the sequence. Stationary tissue undergoes no effective phase change after the application of the two gradients. Caused by the different spatial localization of flowing blood to stationary tissue, it experiences a different size of the second bipolar gradient compared to the first. The result is a phase shift.
The raw data from the two data sets are subtracted. By comparing the phase of signals from each location in the two sequences the exact amount of motion induced phase change can be determined to have a map where pixel brightness is proportional to spatial velocity.
Phase contrast images represent the signal intensity of the velocity of spins at each point within the field of view. Regions that are stationary remain black while moving regions are represented as grey to white.
The phase shift is proportional to the spin's velocity, and this allows the quantitative assessment of flow velocities. The difference MRI signal has a maximum value for opposite directions. This velocity is typically referred to as venc, and depends on the pulse amplitude and distance between the gradient pulse pair. For velocities larger than venc the difference signal is decreased constantly until it gets zero. Therefore, in a phase contrast angiography it is important to correctly set the venc of the sequence to the maximum flow velocity which is expected during the measurement. High venc factors of the PC angiogram (more than 40 cm/sec) will selectively image the arteries (PCA - arteriography), whereas a venc factor of 20 cm/sec will perform the veins and sinuses (PCV or MRV - venography).

See also Flow Quantification, Contrast Enhanced MR Venography, Time of Flight Angiography, Time Resolved Imaging of Contrast Kinetics.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 PCA-MRA 3D Brain Venography Colored MIP  Open this link in a new window


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Ultrasound  (1) Open this link in a new window
Short T1 Inversion RecoveryInfoSheet: - Sequences - 
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etc.MRI Resource Directory:
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(STIR) Also called Short Tau (t) (inversion time) Inversion Recovery. STIR is a fat suppression technique with an inversion time t = T1 ln2 where the signal of fat is zero (T1 is the spin lattice relaxation time of the component that should be suppressed). To distinguish two tissue components with this technique, the T1 values must be different. Fluid Attenuation Inversion Recovery (FLAIR) is a similar technique to suppress water.
Inversion recovery doubles the distance spins will recover, allowing more time for T1 differences. A 180° preparation pulse inverts the net magnetization to the negative longitudinal magnetization prior to the 90° excitation pulse. This specialized application of the inversion recovery sequence set the inversion time (t) of the sequence at 0.69 times the T1 of fat. The T1 of fat at 1.5 Tesla is approximately 250 with a null point of 170 ms while at 0.5 Tesla its 215 with a 148 ms null point. At the moment of excitation, about 120 to 170 ms after the 180° inversion pulse (depending of the magnetic field) the magnetization of the fat signal has just risen to zero from its original, negative, value and no fat signal is available to be flipped into the transverse plane.
When deciding on the optimal T1 time, factors to be considered include not only the main field strength, but also the tissue to be suppressed and the anatomy. In comparison to a conventional spin echo where tissues with a short T1 are bright due to faster recovery, fat signal is reversed or darkened. Because body fluids have both a long T1 and a long T2, it is evident that STIR offers the possibility of extremely sensitive detection of body fluid. This is of course, only true for stationary fluid such as edema, as the MRI signal of flowing fluids is governed by other factors.

See also Fat Suppression and Inversion Recovery Sequence.
Images, Movies, Sliders:
 Sagittal Knee MRI Images STIR  Open this link in a new window


• View the DATABASE results for 'Short T1 Inversion Recovery' (3).Open this link in a new window

Further Reading:
Can Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) Imaging Be Used as a Stand-Alone Sequence To Assess a Perianal Fistulous Tract on MRI? A Retrospective Cohort Study Comparing STIR and T1-Post Contrast Imaging
Wednesday, 17 January 2024   by    
  News & More:
Generating Virtual Short Tau Inversion Recovery (STIR) Images from T1- and T2-Weighted Images Using a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network in Spine Imaging
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Short tau inversion recovery (STIR) after intravenous contrast agent administration obscures bone marrow edema-like signal on forefoot MRI
Tuesday, 13 July 2021   by    
MRI Resources 
Open Directory Project - Image Quality - Spectroscopy pool - Portals - Education pool - Diffusion Weighted Imaging
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