Magnetic Resonance - Technology Information Portal Welcome to MRI Technology


Personalized protocols (age, gender, body habitus, etc.) lead to :
more automated planning 
improved patient comfort 
better diagnostics 
optimized image quality 

MRI Resource Directory:
The MR-TIP Resource-Database contains around 2100 entries.
  Resource Directory - Overview
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Online Books
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Aries Systems Corporation & Knowledge Finder® Open this link in a new window
[Keywords: MEDLINE, MESH, AIDSLINE, CardLine, DermLine, EndocrineLine, GastroLine, NeuroLine, OBGLine, OphthaLine, PathLine, PediLine, RadLine, SleepLine, SurgAnLine, UroLine, CANCERLIT, HealthSTAR, CINAHL, PsycLIT, EMBASE Alert, healthcare, online database, electronic journals, online journals, medical litera ...]
chembytes e-zine 1998 - Special agents Open this link in a new window
Chemsoc - the chemistry societies' electronic network contains business and science news, a comprehensive worldwide conferences and events database, careers advice and job vacancies, useful links and a unique multi-site index feature allowing you to search other sites without leaving chemsoc.
[Keywords: university, school, chemistry department, chemistry teaching resources, links, conferences, chemistry events, royal society of chemistry, education resources, event, publication, web tutorials, business news, science news, national chemistry societies, chemical societies, careers, FECS, FACS, ACS, l ...]
Database Search Engine Open this link in a new window
MonomerChem Custom Synthesis Organic Synthesis and Contract Synthesis
Drug InfoNet - Home Open this link in a new window
Drug InfoNet is your one-stop WWW site for all your healthcare informational needs. We provide both information and links to areas on the web concerning healthcare and pharmaceutical-related topics. This free service is brought to you to improve your education as consumers and healthcare professionals.
[Keywords: Medication, Drug, Medical, Drug Info, Healthcare Information, Doctor Online, Prescription, Hospital, Ask Doctor, Pharmaceutical Information, Drug Questions, Medical Info, Doctor, Health care, Aids, Cancer, Viagra, Heart, Medical Condition, Medication, Doctor Answers]
Entrez-PubMed Open this link in a new window
PubMed is the National Library of Medicine's search service that provides access to over 11 million citations in MEDLINE, PreMEDLINE, and other related databases, with links to participating online journals.
[Keywords: MEDLINE, NCBI, National Center for Biotechnology Information, National Library of Medicine, NLM, PubMed]
EPA - Envirofacts - EMCI - Query Form Open this link in a new window
EMCI Database
Gerontology Research Center - Intramural Research Program Open this link in a new window
National Institute on Aging - NIA
[Keywords: national, institute, biology, aging, nia, research, intramural, aged, national, international, longitudinal, studie]
International Spectroscopic Data Bank and Archive Project Open this link in a new window
Spectroscopic Data Bank
Mr imaging Open this link in a new window
MR Teaching File from MedPix™, Peer Reviewed with Free Online Continuing-
Education (CME and CNE).
Open this link in a new window
Peer Reviewed Radiology Teaching File Cases, Online Medical Image Database, Atlas, and Mnemonics, Free Category 1 CME and CNE. RSNA MIRC compatible. X-ray cases, MR,CT,US,Pathology, Endoscopy, Histology, Microscopy, and Dermatology pictures. Dept of Radiology, USUHS, Bethesda, MD.
[Keywords: radiology, radiology teaching file, radiology teaching files, peer reviewed teaching files, cases, peer-reviewed cases, images, indexed images, image captions, pictures, medical image database, CME, pathology, dermatology, endoscopy, Xray, X-ray, RSNA, MIRC, mnemonic, differential diagnosis, brain tu ...]
For the professional radiographer:
Database, Resources, News, etc.
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  Resource Directory - Overview
Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough.
- Groucho Marx
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