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MRI Forum
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Forum Overview
Mel Chang

Thu. 21 Oct.10,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'cervicla axial image t2 and t2*'
started by: 'kim jk'
on Thu. 23 Sep.10]

Applications and Examinations

cervicla axial image t2 and t2*
T2* is fine to scan the intervertebral discs. T2 is the better choice to show small spinal cord lesions like MS plaques. The echo time of a T2* sequence may be not long enough to give a good differentiation between the pathology and surrounding tissue.rnDifferent 'Multi Echo Data Image Combination' (MEDIC) techniques have been developed to enhance contrast and pathology detection, if available on the scanner this type of sequence is maybe also a good choice, but due to longer scan times and artifact problems it is best for axial slices.rn
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Jacob Newton

Thu. 7 Oct.10,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'How does TE affect DWI acquisition?'
started by: 'danilo Scelfo'
on Wed. 29 Sep.10]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

How does TE affect DWI acquisition?
I never tried to shorten only the echo time while keeping all other parameters the same, but I would expect a change in SNR and artifact appearance. I would use parallel imaging methods to get a shortest possible echo time. Parallel imaging provides DWI with shorter echo trains associated with further reduction of the echo and repetition times, which reduces susceptibility effects and also image blurring. Additionally, the shorter echo time may lead to changes in ADC measurement.
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Michiel Klitsie

Wed. 2 Jun.10,

[Start of:
'Imaging of the sacral plexus'
1 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

Imaging of the sacral plexus
We are students Technical Medicine from Twente University and are researching the imaging of the anatomical variation of the sacral plexus. This means the imaging of nerves in a fatty/muscle enviroment with a diameter below 1 mm.rnrnWe are interested in different MR-sequences that will show these small nerves (at the moment we came up with MP(2)Rage, STIR, normal SE T1 and DW) Does anybody can provide us why we should or shouldn't use one of these sequences. Or maybe somebody does have a better suggestion?rnrnAlso we were planning to combine spinal and abdominal coils (phased-array RF coils), does this depict the sacral plexus in a good way?rnrnWe also thought about using a 7T MRI scanner, because of the high spatial resolution. Is this a possibility or does it give to much artifacts? Or is the spatial resolution in a 3T machine enough for such small nerves?rnrnThanks in advance!
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ahmed hamdy shehatta

Sun. 12 Oct.08,

[Reply (2 of 3) to:
started by: 'adhm ahmed'
on Sat. 23 Aug.08]


Thank u for ur reply
there is ane image attatched for the artifact
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Neeta Vyas

Tue. 9 Sep.08,

[Start of:
'flow arifact'
1 Reply]


flow arifact
Hi Everyone,

I had experienced flow artifact while taking Axial images of a wrist on 1.5T Siemens MRI scanner. I was using a presaturation band to block the arterial blood flow but it was not making any difference and the artifact was still there.

The phase direction was A-P, and the artifact was in this direction.

Please help me to get rid of this artifact.

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