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MRI Forum
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Brad Johnson

Wed. 26 Jan.05,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'3T Pulsoxymeter'
started by: 'Lynn Dunkan'
on Wed. 3 Nov.04]


3T Pulsoxymeter
Hi Lynn,
we use the pulse oximeter Nonin 8600 for our 1.5 T scanner as well as for the 3T system. I'm not sure whether it is tested for 3 T. At the 3 T system, we run the cable through filter boxes in the shielded scanner room, so there is no safety problem and we do not have artifacts.
It works well also for children.
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Reader Mail

Tue. 14 Dec.04,

[Start of:
'MR image of an eye'
1 Reply]

Applications and Examinations

MR image of an eye
I have a set of MR image of an eye which is acquired from a commercial surface coil. The questions are:

(1) How do I know there is any eye movement during imaging?

(2) How do I remove the artifact if there is any eye movement? Is there a program to do so?

It is deeply appreciated to have help from you.
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Schmidt Marga

Sat. 17 Apr.04,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Moire fringing'
started by: 'Kelly Wimpey'
on Tue. 6 Apr.04]


Moire fringing
Moire fringes are typical for gradient echo sequences, especially balanced sequences like for example true fisp, bFFE. The reasons are interferences and field inhomogeneities. High order shimming (volume shimming), a more suitable coil, a smaller bandwidth, and scanning not in the edges of the magnetic field will avoid or reduce this artifact. Also parallel imaging techniques can have a positive influence. If this artifact appears, also by using other sequences, a new field adjustment can be necessary (service).
Hope this will help.
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