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MRI Forum
'Brain MRI'
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Marlee Smith

Sat. 23 Jan.16,

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'Brain MRI Help'
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Brain MRI Help
Can someone please help me interpret this horizontal MRI T2 slice? The images are of just behind my eyes. I don't think those black dots are meant to be there... I know that foramen make a black dot but I don't think that there are any foramen where the dots are.

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Mo Do

Fri. 27 May.22,

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'MRI contrast side effects'
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MRI contrast side effects
Hi hoping you can help. I had a brain mri w and w/o contrast and mra. Weird skin sensation now like tingling and also some shaking. Maybe the shaking from anxiety? Just afraid of contrast side effects
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Naji Kerio

Tue. 2 Mar.21,

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'Need to check for my middle/inner ear on my MRI'
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Need to check for my middle/inner ear on my MRI
Hello. I'm new to this forum and I was wondering if I can share MRI images for a professional's opinion here. If not here, I'd like to know whether there is a forum for this. rnrnI have been having serious vertigo issues (intense spinning) for weeks. Although it has improved dramatically and still is in terms of the nausea and the vertigo attacks, I'm still experiencing regular dizziness, and looking sideways and driving is a bit tricky. I suspected it could have something to do with the inner or middle ear, so I had a brain MRI and made sure to ask for analysis of the inner and middle ear and any associated nerves. When I picked up my MRI results today, all that showed as abnormal was the sinuses with cyst in the right sphenoid sinus. To make sure the middle and inner ear were analyzed I asked the desk woman. She didn't know, made some calls and found out they apparently were not analyzed. rnrnI got the CD, retrieved my ancient PC laptop that is turtle slow and tried to check for images. Don' t know what to check for and having difficulty navigating. The images are divided into T1 TSE Ax, T2 FS AX, T2 AX SPACE IA, FLAIR COR, 2 image fors DIFF AX (ANGLE, and mIP images. I'm specifically trying to rule out conditions that sounded a lot like what I'm experiencing: labyrinthitis and vestibular neuritis. Thank you.
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Rhonda Reid

Mon. 9 Mar.20,

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Hello, I have been having extreme eye pain with visual disturbances which include flashes of light and sometimes double vision. I was told that my brain MRI was squeaky clean. However, out of curiosity, I looked at the images and found this one image that didn't sit right with me. I know it could mean nothing, but I was hoping to either get an answer or reassurance that everything really is ok. Thanks in advance to anyone willing to help.
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Michael Jansen

Fri. 3 Aug.12,

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'I see a lesion on MRI that doesn't look like anything I know'
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Applications and Examinations

I see a lesion on MRI that doesn't look like anything I know
Imaging is becoming increasingly important in clinical Neurology. How many patients are still being diagnosed without undergoing an imaging exam? Brain MRI is a superior diagnostic tool, but can be very challenging to master. However, fast and accurate interpretation of the images is of paramount importance. Rapid advances in MR imaging mean that there is a lot of information to keep up with... Enter NeuroRadDDx: the online tool that helps you interpret brain MRI exams. It creates comprehensive differential diagnoses based on the imaging characteristics you see on your screen. To further aid you in finding in on the correct diagnosis, the software provides example MR images and links to relevant literature. Go to and sign up to receive updates about the upcoming launch of the NeuroRadDDx website!
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