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Result: Searchterm 'Imaging'
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rashood niaz
Wed. 13 May.09, 23:23
[Reply (6 of 26) to: 'MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia' started by: 'Mosta Mosta' on Tue. 3 Mar.09]

Jobs |
MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia |
my name is rashood niaz and i am a medical imaging technologist.i have done my imaging technology degree in july 2007 from children hospital and institute of child health registerd with university of health sciences.i am looking for job as MRI TECHNOLOGIST in saudia.i have experience to work on a philips 1.5T Gyroscan
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Jeanna Wambles
Wed. 22 Apr.09, 11:35
[Start of: 'Regisrty Review' 0 Reply]

Basics and Physics |
Regisrty Review |
I'm looking for the Medical Imaging Consultant study guide. If anyone has one that would like to get rid of or know where i can get one at discount price please let me know. Also any suggestions of other books would be greatly appreciated.
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Mosta Mosta
Tue. 3 Mar.09, 19:50
[Start of: 'MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia' 25 Replies]

Jobs |
MRI Technologists Jobs in Saudi Arabia |
we are looking for MRI Technologists with good experience at King Fahad Specialist Hospital-Dammam, Saudi Arabia. Please let me know if you are interested to work overseas.
our medical imaging department is equipped with two MRI scanners,
1- 1.5T GE HDxT
2- 3T Siemens Trio Tim (under construction)
Keep in mind that the life style in Saudi is tax-free
This invitation is open for all.
good luck
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Mosta Mosta
Tue. 3 Mar.09, 19:45
[Reply (2 of 3) to: 'LOOKING FOR A JOB' started by: 'Arnaldo Escalona' on Mon. 29 Dec.08]

Jobs |
we are looking for MRI Technologists with good experiance at King Fahad Specialist Hospital-Dammam, Saudi Arabia. please let me know if you are interested to work overseas.
our medical imaging departmnet is equiped with two MRI scanners,
1- 1.5T GE HDxT
2- 3T Siemens Trio Tim (under construction)
This invitation is open for all.
good luck
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Sandra Wilson
Wed. 14 Jan.09, 03:42
[Reply (5 of 7) to: 'Which MRI machine to buy?' started by: 'Mike Benji' on Fri. 12 Dec.08]

Devices, Scanner, Machines |
Which MRI machine to buy? |
Is it for an imaging center or a hospital? Do you already have the RF shielded room? I would be happy to help more - it would probably be easier to give you more information if you email me directly.
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