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MRI Forum
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Forum Overview
Nicole DeMoss

Wed. 10 May.06,

[Reply (3 of 10) to:
'MRI Study Guide'
started by: 'Nicole DeMoss'
on Fri. 10 Mar.06]


MRI Study Guide
Thank you for your advice. I was able to obtain a copy of the MRI Study Guide.
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John Dowling

Tue. 9 May.06,

[Reply (2 of 10) to:
'MRI Study Guide'
started by: 'Nicole DeMoss'
on Fri. 10 Mar.06]


MRI Study Guide
I know Berlex has a great guide entitled "MRI for Technologists". The first two volumes are a very helpful registry prep.
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Jadwiga kudynska

Wed. 8 Mar.06,

[Start of:
'flat board/insert'
1 Reply]

Devices, Scanner, Machines

flat board/insert
Good Day Everyone:
Our Imaging Canter has a new MRI unit (Philips 1.5 T Achieva) that we would
like to use for Radiation Oncology patients. The carbon fibre flat table top
as we use in CT effects the MRI image quality. A few companies I have
contacted do not know who makes flat table tops for MRI.
I would appreciate a note from current Radiation Oncology MRI users if they
know the manufacturer of proper flat tops or if they have found a way
"around" the problem.
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Mark Mickesh

Fri. 10 Feb.06,

[Reply (2 of 5) to:
started by: 'Lazer Orca'
on Wed. 26 Oct.05]


Just so you know.....
ARRT is now going to certify non RT
applicants. If they have the qualifications that is.
Another Proud ARMRIT looking to the future.
P.S. I work at Long Beach Memorial Hospital, so, there
is hope.
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raymond gutierrez

Thu. 2 Feb.06,

[Reply (1 of 5) to:
started by: 'Lazer Orca'
on Wed. 26 Oct.05]


In my opinion I think you should persue the current situation you have right now. unless you want to do different modality. I have been a member of ARMRIT since 97 and I have count my blessings with them. You will encounter a lot of discouragement with those so called "RT's" I've been there and I have worked my butt-off to be where am at now. I can performed all types of exam in MRI and currently training a lot of RT's.

A lot of places recognize ARMRIT just like RDMS in ultra sound.

My advise to you, continue your path to success and best of luck.

Raymond G.
Proud to be a member of ARMRIT
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