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'Relaxation Time'
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Reader Mail

Fri. 12 May.06,

[Start of:
'T1/T2 relaxation time charts'
1 Reply]


T1/T2 relaxation time charts
Does anyone have a reliable T1/T2 relaxation chart for the different tissue types? Or could you point me in the direction of a website that has them listed? I haven't been able to find a formula. Thank you.
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Eric Gonzalez

Wed. 10 Oct.12,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Brain T2FS postcontrast'
started by: 'kaisa bente'
on Thu. 27 Jan.11]

Applications and Examinations

Brain T2FS postcontrast
Gadolinium relaxation times are too short for T2 weighted imaging, so T2 weighted is not tipically performed after contrast (unless used as a delay to give contrast time to peak before T1 FS is obtained).

Also I have never worked at any facility that uses T2 fat sat imaging on the brain. Not a whole lot of fat in the brain region!

FLAIR imaging is the norm...but I could stand corrected.
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Adana Osco Barras

Tue. 3 Jan.12,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'Hyperintense blood vessels in SE'
started by: 'Peruvumba Jayakumar'
on Thu. 29 Dec.11]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

Hyperintense blood vessels in SE
Prolonged T1 relaxation times, decreased T1 tissue contrast, and increased susceptibility rnare typical effects at high field MRI.rnDue to the longer T1 times at 3T, the signal rnintensity inside the vessels is preserved even in smaller vessels. Try TR 700, TE 10.rnInversion recovery sequences are very well suited for optimal gray to white matter contrast, but enhancement after administration of gadolinium may not be visible.
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Johan J

Tue. 20 Mar.07,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'fluid PD vs T2 weighting'
started by: 'Reader Mail'
on Tue. 6 Mar.07]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

fluid PD vs T2 weighting
The truth is basicley that different tissues have different relaxation times, the signal of fluid last longer than fat in a T2, so it appears bright.

But also with a "short" TE of 30ms you can already achieve a high signal of fluid, but this is highley dependend of the TR. A long TR - 5000ms - will give you a high signal of fluid. But scantimes won't be acceptable...
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Reader Mail

Tue. 6 Mar.07,

[Start of:
'fluid PD vs T2 weighting'
1 Reply]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters

fluid PD vs T2 weighting
Can anyone explain me, why - considering SE sequences with the same TR - fluid in a PD weighting (short TE) should have less signal than in a T2 weighting (long TE)? eg:
Fig 10, p 1397; radiographics resident tutorial: contrast mechanisms in spin echo MR imaging; Radiographics 1994; 14; pp 1389-1404

I would expect that the signal intensity of any tissue (regardless of it Proton density of T2-relaxation time) should decrease with increasing echo time.

Thank you
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