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MRI Forum
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Martin Rosellen

Wed. 19 Oct.16,

[Start of:
'k space explanation'
2 Replies]


k space explanation
dear all,
I am trying to get a feel for what k-space is. So far I have not got an explanation that I understand. My idea to picture the frequencies that get emmitted from a slice as follows: - We have a box filled with still waterrn - a set of objects get dropped into the water simultaneously - every object emmits waves that are specific to its shape. To fill k space, what is measured and how? All I know is that the sampling frequency stays the same. Sorry for the ugly formatting. Did not find help on that. Thanks Martin
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Haider Ali

Thu. 15 Sep.16,

[Start of:
'Toshiba Vantage Titan 3T'
0 Reply]


Toshiba Vantage Titan 3T
While planning vertebral discs for axial cuts is there any way to align the slices perpendicularly on coronal plane? Currently I have to manually align them on the vertebral column which is tedious and sometimes erroneous.

I have worked on Siemens Avanto and there is option to select the slice to align perpendicular so that I only have to pay attention to one plane while in Toshiba the task is a bit more complicated. Though there is an option of aligning all slices perpendicularly but it does not work or may be I am doing something wrong.
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Marlee Smith

Sat. 23 Jan.16,

[Start of:
'Brain MRI Help'
0 Reply]


Brain MRI Help
Can someone please help me interpret this horizontal MRI T2 slice? The images are of just behind my eyes. I don't think those black dots are meant to be there... I know that foramen make a black dot but I don't think that there are any foramen where the dots are.

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Edmund Kwok

Tue. 20 Oct.15,

[Start of:
'Artifact in Abdomen LAVA'
0 Reply]


Artifact in Abdomen LAVA
This artifact appears on every slice of an abdomen LAVA scan, and it looks like puzzle pieces. The artifact was gone in a re-scan using similar parameters. Does any one has an idea what might have caused it? Thanks.
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dimitris priovolos

Sat. 21 Dec.13,

[Reply (1 of 2) to:
'mr urography'
started by: 'elena giovanelli'
on Thu. 24 Oct.13]

Applications and Examinations

mr urography
I think it's better to plan both ureters, put the pack of slices exactly coronal on an axial abdomen slice including both kidneys, take care on a sagital slice to give an angle parallel to spine but including the bladder and the space behind it, use foldover direction (siemens) or Rfov 1 (GE), fov 400-450, sl thick 0.80-1mm, open the 3d slice pack as much as needed, use navigator-pace (siemens) or triggering (GE).

A preparation of diet is needed some times, additional sequences (haste, fiesta, vibe+iv or lava+iv contr) are necessary.
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