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MRI is trending to low field magnets :
reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI Forum
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Forum Overview
Michael Jansen

Fri. 3 Aug.12,

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'I see a lesion on MRI that doesn't look like anything I know'
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Applications and Examinations

I see a lesion on MRI that doesn't look like anything I know
Imaging is becoming increasingly important in clinical Neurology. How many patients are still being diagnosed without undergoing an imaging exam? Brain MRI is a superior diagnostic tool, but can be very challenging to master. However, fast and accurate interpretation of the images is of paramount importance. Rapid advances in MR imaging mean that there is a lot of information to keep up with... Enter NeuroRadDDx: the online tool that helps you interpret brain MRI exams. It creates comprehensive differential diagnoses based on the imaging characteristics you see on your screen. To further aid you in finding in on the correct diagnosis, the software provides example MR images and links to relevant literature. Go to and sign up to receive updates about the upcoming launch of the NeuroRadDDx website!
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izhak david

Sun. 14 Jun.09,

[Start of:
'need some help to indentify a process'
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Applications and Examinations

need some help to indentify a process
hello all , i need osme help solving out a question i need to get credit for in the university.

i was givven test's results and i need to find the process (stroke , AS etc. ).

increased ADC in the superior long. Fasc., insular cortex, hippocampus.

PET dopamine - no specific evidences

31P-Spec decreased phosphocreatine at the dorsal prefronal cortex

prolonged T2 mainly in parietal post central gyrus, others occipital and temportal regions show similar changes.

MRI libmic:
reduced acitivty is cingulate cortex and DLPFC and other limbic system areas

if u have an answer or an idea to which other mri tests i need to ask , i whould to hear it.
thank you
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