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Reader Mail
Mon. 14 Jan.08, 22:49
[Reply (2 of 4) to: 'Mechanical Ventilator outside of Scan room' started by: 'Dan Barrieau' on Wed. 20 Jun.07]

Site Planning and Specifications |
Mechanical Ventilator outside of Scan room |
Just to add to that. The rooms are lined with copper mesh so that Radio Frequency (RF) outside the room will not affect the image quality (and vise versa so your monitors won't freak out). The tubes through the wall are long enough to absorb and basically prevent any RF from getting in or out. The place in question probably couldn't justify the money to buy an MR safe vent. And I can't think of any pump that would be safe inside the room; although, some sites will chance taking pumps in and keeping them at a distance from the magnetic field.
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Kathy Dumont
Sun. 6 Jan.08, 20:31
[Reply (2 of 6) to: 'Protection against magnetic exposure' started by: 'Kathy Dumont' on Sat. 5 Jan.08]

Safety |
Protection against magnetic exposure |
Thank you very much Reader, for you answer very quickly! Sorry, I didn’t express myself very well. No, I don’t want to know about the “Gauss lines” (it’s how we say in France).
In the site of the World Health Organization, they talk about “The International EMF Project”.
I’m searching for informations about the effets of the magnetic fields on the human health. And the laws, if they exist in USA?
In France, there are no limits or laws which say the limits (time limits, job in high fields…) when you work at mri.
We just tell the pregnant not to go in the mri room. That’s all. I think you’re getting ahead France in this domain. For me, mri technology is like radiology’s first times, when Marie Curie discovered that tumor increased while X Ray exposure increased. You know?
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Reader Mail
Wed. 12 Dec.07, 10:07
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'double ir physic' started by: 'soontorn siriserussa' on Sun. 2 Dec.07]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters |
double ir physic |
Different types of double inversion recovery (DIR, 2IR) sequences are used to improve the suppression of blood signal (black blood technique) or to null the signals from two different tissue types (e.g. white matter and cerebrospinal fluid).
The black blood technique (used in cardiovascular MRI) works with two inversion pulses, where the first pulse is nonselective and the second pulse is slice-selective. TI is set to a value at which the signal of the recovering inverted blood is zero (
The second technique (also named gray matter only) is used in brain imaging to improve the detection of lesions, for example in the diagnostic of multiple sclerosis. Two 180° pulses with different TI are used to suppress two different types of tissue simultaneously.
Hope this helps
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Jenny Jordan
Sat. 17 Nov.07, 20:11
[Reply (2 of 4) to: 'Haste and Rare sequences' started by: 'Elena sussi' on Tue. 13 Nov.07]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters |
Haste and Rare sequences |
Hi Elena,
you can find the different names for the same sequences and options used by manufacturers at: .
The manufacturers have in principle similar sequences with small differences. So, as you mentioned you can take "sequences as HASTE" or "sequences type RARE".
However, you can lead back these sequences also to the fundamental sequence type FSE ( fast spin echo: ). Fast sequences as HASTE ( ) are especially useful in cases of movement caused by their single shot technique: .
Hope this helps
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Bear DuDu
Thu. 18 Oct.07, 07:28
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'DWI' started by: 'Reader Mail' on Wed. 17 Oct.07]

Applications and Examinations |
DWI reflects the degree of water molecule movement. If the degree of water molecule movement in the tumor is the same as the normal tissue, the signal of DWI will have no difference between the tumor and the normal tissue.
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