Elena Brown
Fri. 22 May.09, 20:48
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'Feridex/endorem and bone MRI' started by: 'marta lola' on Wed. 15 Apr.09]

Contrast Agents |
Feridex/endorem and bone MRI |
Some experiments with superparamagnetic contrast agents such as Feridex/Endorem with labeled cells showed a black appearance on T2 weighted sequences, which was easy to see. The less dominant T1 effect, bright on T1 weighted images was more subtle. (I found this also interesting http://www.nature.com/nm/journal/v7/n11/full/nm1101-1241.html and the article 'MR and iron magnetic nanoparticles. Imaging opportunities in preclinical and translational research' on http://www.tumorionline.it/cerca.php )
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