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martin chavez
Thu. 31 Jan.08, 00:59
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'gre trauma ax' started by: 'diana navarro' on Tue. 29 Jan.08]

Applications and Examinations |
gre trauma ax |
this is a t2* or gradient echo and we use this for all head trauma pt's and to look for old blood in the brain.
gre trauma ax comes from a ge protocol and thats
what ge named that sequence.
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Reader Mail
Sun. 27 Jan.08, 08:47
[Start of: 'Plz Answer this ... Contrast MRI of Brain' 1 Reply]

Applications and Examinations |
Plz Answer this ... Contrast MRI of Brain |
Pre and Post contrast mri of the brain was performed in multiple planes using T1 & T2 W spin-echo sequence.
There is small ring enhancing lesion in the left occipitoparietal lobe which measures 1cm in diameter.It reveals isointense periphery on T1 & T2W images with hyperintense core on T2W images. On T1W images the core appears hypointense . A tiny mural nodule is seen within the lesion. focal perilesional edema is seen appearing hyperintense on FLAIR and T2W images.
The brainstem & cerebellum are normal.
The ventricular system is normal.
No abnormal meningeal enhancement is seen.
Intracranial vessels display normal flow void.
What needs to be done?? How serious the problem is??
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Reader Mail
Wed. 12 Dec.07, 10:07
[Reply (1 of 2) to: 'double ir physic' started by: 'soontorn siriserussa' on Sun. 2 Dec.07]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters |
double ir physic |
Different types of double inversion recovery (DIR, 2IR) sequences are used to improve the suppression of blood signal (black blood technique) or to null the signals from two different tissue types (e.g. white matter and cerebrospinal fluid).
The black blood technique (used in cardiovascular MRI) works with two inversion pulses, where the first pulse is nonselective and the second pulse is slice-selective. TI is set to a value at which the signal of the recovering inverted blood is zero (
The second technique (also named gray matter only) is used in brain imaging to improve the detection of lesions, for example in the diagnostic of multiple sclerosis. Two 180° pulses with different TI are used to suppress two different types of tissue simultaneously.
Hope this helps
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Jenny Jordan
Sat. 17 Nov.07, 20:11
[Reply (2 of 4) to: 'Haste and Rare sequences' started by: 'Elena sussi' on Tue. 13 Nov.07]

Sequences and Imaging Parameters |
Haste and Rare sequences |
Hi Elena,
you can find the different names for the same sequences and options used by manufacturers at: .
The manufacturers have in principle similar sequences with small differences. So, as you mentioned you can take "sequences as HASTE" or "sequences type RARE".
However, you can lead back these sequences also to the fundamental sequence type FSE ( fast spin echo: ). Fast sequences as HASTE ( ) are especially useful in cases of movement caused by their single shot technique: .
Hope this helps
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katharine cummings
Thu. 18 Oct.07, 12:07
[Start of: 'Manual Shimming -Picker Polaris' 0 Reply]

Devices, Scanner, Machines |
Manual Shimming -Picker Polaris |
I have been trying to manual shim for fat-saturation sequences. Can someone give me some advise. Thank You
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