Chapter 4: HTS Superconducting Magnets HTS has played two roles in the development of superconducting magnets. HTS leads have made possible new classes of LTS magnets, and magnets employing HTS material in the windings have come on the market offering unique advantages.
MRI Instrumentation Energy Technology | Intermagnetics General Corporation- Intermagnetics is one of the world's most respected suppliers of superconducting magnets and related devices for MRI systems. Since the inception of the clinical MRI market nearly 20 years ago, Intermagnetics has provided innovative products. The MRI market is growing with new applications in functional neuro (brain) and cardiovascular imaging. Intermagnetics addresses this market through its subsidiaries.
The more severe the pain or illness, the more severe will be the necessary
changes. These may involve breaking bad habits, or acquiring some new and
better ones. - Peter McWilliams