MRI News Service: 'Arc' p69 |
| | | ''Researchers have announced that a high-density genome wide analysis of participants in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative is more than 95% complete and that data will be shared with scientists around the world for further ...' | | Friday, 20 March 2009 by www.sciencedaily.com |
| | | ''ATLANTA — Georgia State University and the Georgia Institute of Technology are opening a new center that will provide researchers around Atlanta with a dedicated magnetic resonance imaging scanner to further study into the mysteries of the brain and ...' | | | Wednesday, 18 March 2009 by www.eurekalert.org | |
| | | ''MELVILLE, NEW YORK, March 13, 2008 - FONAR Corporation (NASDAQ-FONR), The Inventor of MR Scanning, announced that the value of the FONAR UPRIGHT© Multi-Position™ MRI in the diagnosis and evaluation of Chiari malformation patients has just been published ...' | | | Friday, 13 March 2009 by www.fonar.com | |
| | | ''March 6 (Bloomberg) -- General Electric Co. and Siemens AG, the biggest makers of medical imaging machines, say President Barack Obama's plan to slash spending on the use of MRIs and X- rays threatens patients, and they'll lobby Congress to block ...' | | | Friday, 6 March 2009 by www.bloomberg.com | |
| | | ''showed they were able to acquire in vivo images of a beating mouse heart with high temporal and spatial resolution [1]. Investigators led by Dr Jürgen Weizenecker (Philips Research Laboratories, Hamburg, Germany) showed that the three-dimensional ...' | | | Thursday, 5 March 2009 by www.theheart.org | |
| | | ''MELVILLE, NEW YORK, March 3, 2009 - FONAR Corporation (NASDAQ-FONR), The Inventor of MR Scanning™, announced today that it has sold an UPRIGHT® Multi-Position™ MRI to a leading medical center in Libya – the Tripoli Medical Center. This is an especially ...' | | | Tuesday, 3 March 2009 by www.fonar.com | |
| | | ''TORONTO, March 3 (UPI) -- The province of Ontario doubled its medical imaging facilities, but the gap between the rich and the poor who get scans got wider, Canadian researchers said. Study co-author Dr. John You, of McMaster University in Hamilton ...' | | | Tuesday, 3 March 2009 by www.upi.com | |
| | | ''Feb. 26, 2009 -- The Centers for Disease control reports that every year approximately 280,000 Americans are hospitalized because of traumatic brain injuries, ranging from soldiers injured in Iraq and Afghanistan to football players and other athletes ...' | | | Thursday, 26 February 2009 by mednews.wustl.edu | |
| | | ''Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty visited Robarts Research Institute Feb. 10 to officially re-open the Centre for Functional and Metabolic Mapping in the A.M. Cuddy Wing at Robarts Research Institute. The Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation ...' | | | Tuesday, 17 February 2009 by communications.uwo.ca | |
| | | ''At the occasion of a recent meeting about kiwifruit which has taken place by the Center for Fruit Research in Rome (Italy), Dr. Massimiliano Valentini (see picture) has presented a very interesting report about the application of Magnetic Resonance ...' | | | Wednesday, 11 February 2009 by www.freshplaza.com | |
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When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot
be too conservative. - Martin Luther King Jr. |