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MRI is trending to low field magnets :
reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI News Service:
'Arc'  p72
Result: Searchterm 'Arc' found in 979 news
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Saudi Aramco: 'MRI' for Wells Logs While Drilling
''The FINANCIAL -- The Saudi Aramco EXPEC Advanced Research Center (EXPEC ARC) has successfully developed and tested the industry's first small-hole Logging-While-Drilling Nuclear Magnetic Resonance tool (LWD NMR). Two years ago, EXPEC ARC teamed up with ...'
Thursday, 13 November 2008   by
Plants Can Accumulate Nanoparticles In Tissues
''ScienceDaily (Nov. 13, 2008) — Researchers at the University of Delaware have provided what is believed to be the first experimental evidence that plants can take up nanoparticles and accumulate them in their tissues. The laboratory study, which ...'
Thursday, 13 November 2008   by
Increases in imaging tests widespread: study
''CHICAGO (Reuters) - Use of diagnostic imaging tests in the United States has increased across the board in recent years, with more patients getting the tests and more tests being ordered per patient, researchers said on Monday. Their 10-year study of ...'
Monday, 10 November 2008   by
Bullies May Enjoy Seeing Others In Pain
''ScienceDaily (Nov. 7, 2008) — Unusually aggressive youth may actually enjoy inflicting pain on others, research using brain scans at the University of Chicago shows. Scans of the aggressive youth's brains showed that an area that is associated with ...'
Friday, 7 November 2008   by
Multifunctional nanoparticles do double duty in fight against cancer
''(Nanowerk Spotlight) Mesoporous materials, i.e. materials with pores that measure less than 50 nanometers in size, have been researched extensively for at least 20 years now. Especially mesoporous silicates, due to their large surface area, their ...'
Thursday, 6 November 2008   by
Brain's Wiring Stunted, Lopsided In Childhood Onset Schizophrenia
''Growth of the brain's long distance connections, called white matter, is stunted and lopsided in children who develop psychosis before puberty, NIMH researchers have discovered. The yearly growth rate of this brain tissue was up to 2.2 percent ...'
Monday, 3 November 2008   by
Voyage of the Bacteria Bots Self-propelled microbots navigate through blood vessels
''The 1966 science-fiction movie Fantastic Voyage famously imagined using a tiny ship to combat disease inside the body. With the advent of nanotechnology, researchers are inching closer to creating something almost as fantastic. A microscopic device that ...'
Friday, 31 October 2008   by
Optical textile tests MRI patients from afar
''Researchers in Europe have developed a wearable textile fitted with optical sensors that could be used to remotely monitor a patient's breathing patterns while they undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. The new textile will allow medical staff ...'
Thursday, 30 October 2008   by
New MRI Technique May Identify Cervical Cancer Early
''ScienceDaily (Oct. 22, 2008) — Using high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a special vaginal coil, a technique to measure the movement of water within tissue, researchers may be able to identify cervical cancer in its early stages, ...'
Wednesday, 22 October 2008   by
U. technique aiding arrhythmia patients
''A new imaging technique puts the University of Utah at the heart of cardiac research. The research, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, identifies a new way of using magnetic resonance imaging to detect and measure injuries ...'
Monday, 20 October 2008   by
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To get back my youth I would do anything in the world, except take exercise, get up early, or be respectable.
- Oscar Wilde
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