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MRI News Service:
'Imaging'  p136
Result: Searchterm 'Imaging' found in 1520 news
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Dual-imaging technique useful before -- and during -- brain surgery
''CINCINNATI -- Brain specialists associated with the Neuroscience Institute at the University of Cincinnati (UC) and University Hospital say the ability to incorporate—in real time—two high-tech imaging tools into the operating room can improve the ...'
Saturday, 9 June 2007   by
Forgetting Helps You Remember The Important Stuff, Researchers Say
''Science Daily — For the first time, Stanford researchers using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have discovered that the brain's ability to suppress irrelevant memories makes it easier for humans to remember what's really important. ...'
Saturday, 9 June 2007   by
A step nearer to understanding superconductivity
''June 07, 2007 - Transporting energy without any loss, travelling in magnetically levitated trains, carrying out medical imaging (MRI) with small-scale equipment: all these things could come true if we had superconducting materials that worked at room ...'
Thursday, 7 June 2007   by
Researchers Track Human Stem Cells Transplanted Into Rat Brain
''The research group placed miniscule particles of iron inside stem cells to act as cellular beacons detected by magnetic resonance imaging. With the ability to monitor where the human stem cells go in real time, researchers will have an easier time ...'
Tuesday, 5 June 2007   by
Diffusion-Weighted MRI in the Body: Applications and Challenges in Oncology
''In this article, we present the basic principles of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) that can aid radiologists in the qualitative and quantitative interpretation of DW images. However, a detailed discussion of the physics of DWI is beyond the scope of ...'
Friday, 1 June 2007   by
Peer-Reviewed Study Concludes The FONAR UPRIGHT™ MRI Could Serve as the “Standard Procedure of Care” for Pediatric Shoulder Malady
''MELVILLE, NEW YORK, May 30, 2007 - FONAR Corporation (NASDAQ-FONR), The Inventor of MR Scanning™, announced today, that the April 23, 2007 issue of the Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging featured an article entitled 'Upright MRI of glenohumeral ...'
Wednesday, 30 May 2007   by
Imaging Study Reveals How Pure Oxygen Harms The Brain
''It's a scenario straight out of Gray's Anatomy -- a paramedic or doctor plops a mask over the face of a person struggling to breathe and begins dispensing pure oxygen. Yet growing research suggests that inhaling straight oxygen can actually harm the ...'
Thursday, 24 May 2007   by
NIH Study Tracks Brain Development in Some 500 Children across U.S.
''Children appear to approach adult levels of performance on many basic cognitive and motor skills by age 11 or 12, according to a new study coordinated by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).The NIH Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Study of ...'
Friday, 18 May 2007   by
Paul Lauterbur
''Professor Paul Lauterbur, the American chemist who shared the 2003 Nobel prize for physiology or medicine with Sir Peter Mansfield, of Nottingham University, for developing magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) into a way to look inside living organisms, has ...'
Friday, 18 May 2007   by
Patterns Of Brain Tissue Loss In Early Alzheimer's Disease May Predict Course Of Disease, Study Suggests
''Science Daily — Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) that shows patterns of brain tissue loss may help physicians predict which patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment (early Alzheimer's disease) will develop full-blown Alzheimer's, according to ...'
Wednesday, 2 May 2007   by
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I don't think there's anything unique about human intellience. All the nuerons in the brain that make up perceptions and emotions operate in a binary fashion.
- Bill Gates
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