MRI News Service: 'MRI Image' p11 |
 | | | '''Aspect Imaging, the leader in high-performance permanent magnet systems for pre-clinical research, today announced its agreement with inviCRO to distribute the VivoQuant software suite for pre-clinical MRI image analysis and quantification with Aspect's ...' | | Tuesday, 6 September 2011 by www.biospace.com |
 | | | '''IMRIS Inc. (NASDAQ: IMRS) (TSX: IM) (IMRIS or the Company) today announced that it has received a Health Canada medical device license for AccuTrack™ the Company's 3D image guidance tool for use in IMRIS neurosurgery suites. AccuTrack™ represents a ...' | | | Thursday, 4 August 2011 by www.biospace.com | |
 | | | '''Although reproducibility in reading MRI images amongst radiologists and clinicians has been studied previously, no studies have examined the reproducibility of inexperienced clinicians in extracting pathoanatomic information from magnetic resonance ...' | | | Thursday, 21 July 2011 by 7thspace.com | |
 | | | '''In recent years, there has been a considerable research effort concerning the integration of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) into the external radiotherapy workflow motivated by the superior soft tissue contrast as compared to computed tomography. Image ...' | | | Thursday, 16 June 2011 by 7thspace.com | |
 | | | '''The motivation behind this paper is to aid the automatic phenotyping of mouse embryos, wherein multiple embryos embedded within a single tube were scanned using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Results: Our algorithm, a modified version of the ...' | | | Thursday, 16 June 2011 by 7thspace.com | |
 | | | '''World leaders in image registration, Mirada Medical has developed software tools which bring the power of MR-PET fusion imaging to clinical specialists without the requirement of owning a MR-PET scanner. The new MR-PET workflows in Mirada's XD3 software, ...' | | | Tuesday, 31 May 2011 by www.biospace.com | |
 | | | '''Doctors at a hospital in Berlin, Germany have pulled off a world first by creating MRI images of a woman giving birth, The Local Newspaper reported. A team of obstetricians, radiologists and engineers at Charité Hospital have spent the last two years ...' | | | Tuesday, 7 December 2010 by www.foxnews.com | |
 | | | '''With their work based on different campuses, two University researchers are teaming up to revolutionize the use of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in stroke research. Prof. Henning Voss, physics in radiology, of Weill Cornell Medical College and Prof. ...' | | | Wednesday, 17 November 2010 by www.cornellsun.com | |
 | | | '''Standard MRI scans have so far been unable to produce satisfactory images of nerve bundles. However, this is now possible using an MRI technique called Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI). Matthan Caan succeeded in improving the DTI method during his PhD ...' | | | Tuesday, 16 November 2010 by www.sciencedaily.com | |
 | | | '''Researchers from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and UC Berkeley are reporting an important advancement in MRI technology (so far on a relatively small scale) that allows for considerably greater resolution and a 106 increase in imaging speeds. ...' | | | Friday, 15 October 2010 by www.medgadget.com | |
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Reading, after a certain age, diverts the mind too much from its creative
pursuits. Any man who reads too much and uses his own brain too little falls
into lazy habits of thinking. - Albert Einstein |