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MRI News Service:
'Magnet'  p97
Result: Searchterm 'Magnet' found in 1232 news
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New theory of adiabaticity developed
''COLUMBUS, Ohio, Dec. 2 (UPI) -- U.S. and French scientists say they've developed a new understanding of a process called adiabaticity that's used to control atoms in magnetic resonance. Adiabatic processes are what physicists and engineers use to ...'
Tuesday, 2 December 2008   by
Solving MRI mystery sets stage for portable scanners
''Magnetic Resonance Imaging - MRI - has revolutionised medicine with its sharp images of previously unseen interiors. But despite that success, only now have physicists solved a mystery about how it works. The answer should make scans sharper, and could ...'
Wednesday, 26 November 2008   by
Scientists crack secret of unusual magnetic resonance, key to enhanced MRIs
''In developing a model to explain the motion of atoms in a magnetic field, scientists have overcome a decades-old obstacle to understanding a key component of magnetic resonance. The new understanding may eventually lead to better control of magnetic ...'
Wednesday, 26 November 2008   by
Spin improves medical imaging
''Researchers at York University have developed a technique for changing the spin properties of atoms to make MRI and NMR scanners much more sensitive. NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) is a method of obtaining structural information in chemistry, and ...'
Tuesday, 25 November 2008   by
New theory defines faster MRI
''A long-standing mystery about nuclear magnetic resonance has finally been solved, an advance that could lead to clearer MRI images for medical uses and could provide better control of atoms for quantum computers. The mystery was in the delicate ...'
Tuesday, 25 November 2008   by
Medtronic gets OK to sell MRI-safe pacemaker in Europe
''Medtronic Inc. has received European approval to market a pacemaker that can be used with MRI machines. Patients with pacemakers are now unable to undergo magnetic-imaging resonance scans due to safety concerns. MRI scans have the potential to cause ...'
Monday, 17 November 2008   by
Proposed Hospital Building Code Calls for Specialized Ferromagnetic Detectors for MRI Safety
''Leucadia, CA, November 15, 2008 --( The Facility Guidelines Institute, which publishes the most often used building code for hospitals and health care providers in the U.S., has made the draft language of their next update available for public ...'
Saturday, 15 November 2008   by
Saudi Aramco: 'MRI' for Wells Logs While Drilling
''The FINANCIAL -- The Saudi Aramco EXPEC Advanced Research Center (EXPEC ARC) has successfully developed and tested the industry's first small-hole Logging-While-Drilling Nuclear Magnetic Resonance tool (LWD NMR). Two years ago, EXPEC ARC teamed up with ...'
Thursday, 13 November 2008   by
University of York claims major scientific breakthrough in scanning technology
''SCIENTISTS at the University of York have developed new technology which could dramatically cut scanning times for important health tests and increase the accuracy of the results. They have discovered a way of making Magnetic Resonance Imaging ...'
Thursday, 13 November 2008   by
Optical textile tests MRI patients from afar
''Researchers in Europe have developed a wearable textile fitted with optical sensors that could be used to remotely monitor a patient's breathing patterns while they undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. The new textile will allow medical staff ...'
Thursday, 30 October 2008   by
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For in the final analysis, our most basic common link, is that we all inhabit this small planet, we all breathe the same air, we all cherish our children's futures, and we are all mortal.
- John F. Kennedy
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