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MRI News Service:
'brain'  p13
Result: Searchterm 'brain' found in 635 news
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Magnetic resonance-guided motorized transcranial ultrasound system for blood-brain barrier permeabilization along arbitrary trajectories in rodents
''Focused ultrasound combined with microbubble injection is capable of locally and transiently enhancing the permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance enables to plan, monitor, and characterize the BBB ...'
Thursday, 24 December 2015   by
MRI shows 'brain scars' in military personnel with blast-related concussion
''MRI shows brain damage in a surprisingly high percentage of active duty military personnel who suffered blast-related mild traumatic brain injury (MTBI), according to a new study appearing online in the journal Radiology. MTBI, sometimes referred to as a ...'
Tuesday, 15 December 2015   by
Medtronic (MDT) Announces FDA Approval for Deep Brain Stimulation System for Full-Body MRI
''Medtronic plc (NYSE: MDT) today announced that systems within its Activa portfolio of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) neurostimulators have received FDA approval for full-body Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)* under specific conditions of use. Medtronic's ...'
Wednesday, 9 December 2015   by
Contrast MRIs cause claims, concern, over residual metal in brain
''International concern is growing over metal left in the brain following magnetic resonance imaging scans that use a contrast agent. Although patients have traditionally been told this metal clears from their system in 24 hours, traces remain. Now, ...'
Tuesday, 8 December 2015   by
MRI Interventions ClearPoint(R) Neuro Navigation System Utilized in First MRI-Guided DBS Electrode Placement Procedure at the Banner - University Medical Center
''MRI Interventions, Inc. (OTCQB:MRIC), today announced the first MRI-guided placement of an electrode for a Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) procedure in the State of Arizona at Banner - University Medical Center, in Tucson. Utilizing the ClearPoint system ...'
Monday, 23 November 2015   by
What Makes Us Happy? Scientists Use MRI To Find Where Happiness Happens In Our Brain
''What, exactly, causes happiness? A team of researchers aim to find answers by looking at happiness from the neurological perspective. The research team from Kyoto University said that happiness is a combination of positive emotions and feeling ...'
Sunday, 22 November 2015   by
New Brain Imaging Technique Identifies Previously Undetected Epileptic Seizure Sites
''People with epilepsy experience uncontrolled seizures that can impair quality of life and cause stigma that leads to social isolation. The neurological condition can limit some activities most people take for granted, such as sustaining work or operating ...'
Friday, 13 November 2015   by
New Brain Imaging Technique Identifies Previously Undetected Epileptic Seizure Sites
''People with epilepsy experience uncontrolled seizures that can impair quality of life and cause stigma that leads to social isolation. The neurological condition can limit some activities most people take for granted, such as sustaining work or operating ...'
Friday, 13 November 2015   by
SYMBIS Brain Biopsy Robot FDA Cleared for Procedures Inside MRI
''Deerfield Imaging (Minneapolis, MN) received FDA green light to introduce its SYMBIS stereotactic brain biopsy system in the U.S. The robotic system allows for a biopsy to be performed while the patient is inside an MRI scanner, with the goal being ...'
Tuesday, 10 November 2015   by
Scientists discover how to better map brain tumours
''Scientists have discovered a protein that helps map the edge of brain tumours more clearly so they show up on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans, according to new research presented at the National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Cancer Conference ...'
Tuesday, 3 November 2015   by
News     News Refinements:  Contrast Agents  Devices  Financial  
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America is the only country that went from barbarism to decadence without civilization in between.
- Oscar Wilde
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