Magnetic Resonance - Technology Information Portal Welcome to MRI Technology


MRI is trending to low field magnets :
reduced costs will lead to this change 
AI will close the gap to high field 
only in remote areas 
is only temporary 

MRI Devices, Systems
  • Overview
Ultrasound Imaging Systems Open this link in a new window
DeviceField StrengthApplicationConstructionMagnet
PoleStar™0.15 TIntraoperativeSemi-portable openPermanent
ARTOSCAN™ - M0.2 TExtremityClosedPermanent
C-SCAN™0.2 TExtremityClosedPermanent
MAGNETOM Concerto™0.2 TWhole bodyOpenPermanent
MAGNETOM Jazz™0.2 TExtremityOpenPermanent
MagneVu 10000.2 TExtremityPortable openPermanent
Opera (E-SCAN™ XQ)0.2 TExtremityOpenPermanent
Signa Profile™0.2 TWhole bodyOpenPermanent
Panorama 0.23T™0.23 TWhole bodyOpen / C-armResistive / Electro
G-SCAN0.25 TExtremity, SpineOpenPermanent
AIRIS II™0.3 TWhole bodyVertical field - openPermanent
MRP-7000™0.3 TWhole bodyVertical field - openPermanent
O-SCAN™0.31 TExtremityClosedPermanent
MAGNETOM C™0.35 TWhole bodyOpen / C-armPermanent
OPART™0.35 TWhole bodyOpenSuperconducting
RELAX 0.35T™0.35 TWhole bodyOpenPermanent
Signa Ovation™0.35 TWhole bodyOpenPermanent
Ultra™0.35 TWhole bodyOpenSuperconducting
Virgo™0.35 TWhole bodyOpen / C-armPermanent
ENCORE 0.5T™0.5 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
FLEXART™0.5 TWhole bodyCompactSuperconducting
Intera 0.5TPanorama 0.20.5 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
Signa Contour/i 0.5T™0.5 TWhole bodyCompactSuperconducting
Signa SP 0.5T™ Open Configuration0.5 TWhole bodyOpenSuperconducting
Panorama 0.6TPanorama 0.20.6 TWhole bodyOpen / C-armSuperconducting
Upright™ MRI0.6 TWhole body - position imagingFront-open and Top-openResistive / Electro
Altaire™0.7 TWhole bodyVertical field - openSuperconducting
Signa OpenSpeed™0.7 TWhole bodyOpenSuperconducting
Intera 1.0TPanorama 0.21.0 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
MAGNETOM Harmony™1.0 TWhole bodyCompactSuperconducting
MAGNETOM Rhapsody™1.0 TWhole bodyOpenSuperconducting
MSK-Extreme™1.0 TExtremityOpenSuperconducting
Panorama 1.0T™1.0 TWhole bodyVertical field - openSuperconducting
Signa Infinity 1.0T™1.0 TWhole bodyShort boreSuperconducting
CHORUS 1.5T™1.5 TWhole bodyShort boreSuperconducting
Echelon™ 1.5T1.5 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
Excelart AG™ with Pianissimo1.5 TWhole bodyCylindrical wide short boreSuperconducting
Excelart XG™ with Pianissimo1.5 TWhole bodyCylindrical wide short boreSuperconducting
iMotion™ 1.5 Tesla Magnet1.5 TWhole bodyMobile compactSuperconducting
Infinion 1.5TPanorama 0.21.5 TWhole bodyUltra short boreSuperconducting
Intera 1.5TPanorama 0.21.5 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
Intera Achieva 1.5T™1.5 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
Intera Achieva CV™1.5 TWhole body - cardiovascularShort bore compactSuperconducting
MAGNETOM Avanto™1.5 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
MAGNETOM Sonata™1.5 TWhole bodyCompactSuperconducting
MAGNETOM Symphony™1.5 TWhole bodyCompactSuperconducting
MAGNETOM™1.5 TWhole bodyUltra short boreSuperconducting
Signa HDe 1.5T™1.5 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
Signa HDx 1.5T™1.5 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
Signa Infinity 1.5T™ TwinSpeed with Excite1.5 TWhole bodyShort boreSuperconducting
Signa Infinity 1.5T™ with Excite1.5 TWhole bodyShort boreSuperconducting
Vantage™1.5 TWhole bodyUltra short boreSuperconducting
VISART™1.5 TWhole bodyCompactSuperconducting
FORTE 3.0T™3.0 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
Intera 3.0TPanorama 0.23.0 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
Intera Achieva 3.0T™3.0 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
MAGNETOM Allegra™3.0 THeadShort boreSuperconducting
MAGNETOM Trio™ (TIM System)3.0 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
Signa 3.0T™3.0 TWhole bodyCylindricalSuperconducting
Signa HDx 3.0T™3.0 TWhole bodyShort bore compactSuperconducting
  Devices - Intro top
Ultrasound Imaging Systems Open this link in a new window
What is a cynic? A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing.
- Oscar Wilde
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