Magnetic Resonance - Technology Information Portal Welcome to MRI Technology


Personalized protocols (age, gender, body habitus, etc.) lead to :
more automated planning 
improved patient comfort 
better diagnostics 
optimized image quality 

MRI Abbreviations
  2 3 A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z
For Ultrasound Imaging (USI) see USI Abbreviations Open this link in a new window at
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arrow stop  DAC-DESS     DFSE-DSC-MRI    DSE-DWIiso     

DAC  Digital to Analog Converter  (1 database hit)
DANTE  Delay Alternating with Nutation for Tailored Excitation  (1 database hit)
DB  Decibel  (6 database hits)
DC  Direct Current  (1 database hit)
DCE-MRI Dynamic Contrast Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging
DCT Discrete Cosine Transform
DE  Dual Echo  (9 database hits)
DE FGR  Driven Equilibrium Fast Gradient Recalled acquisition in the steady state  (1 database hit)
DE FGRE  Dual Echo Fast Gradient Echo  (2 database hits)
DE FSE  Driven Equilibrium Fast Spin Echo  (1 database hit)
DE prep  Driven Equilibrium magnetization preparation  (1 database hit)
DE PREP Driven Equilibrium PREPped
DECA Directionally-Encoded Color Anisotropy
DEFAISE  Dual Echo Fast Acquisition Interleaved Spin Echo  (1 database hit)
DEFAISE Dual Echo Fast Acquisition Inertleaved Spin Echo
DEFT  Driven Equilibrium Fourier Transformation  (1 database hit)
DENSE Displacement ENcoding with Stimulated Echoes
DEPT Distortionless Enhancement by Polarization Transfer
DEPTH  spin echo sequence for spatial localization  (1 database hit)
DESS  Dual Echo Steady State  (2 database hits)


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arrow stop DAC-DESS    DFSE-DSC-MRI     DSE-DWIiso     
Do not worry about your difficulties in Mathematics. I can assure you mine are still greater.
- Albert Einstein
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