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MRI News Service p307
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'Big Picture' Of Brain Changes May Be Crucial To Recovery From Stroke Injury
'Oct. 16, 2005 — A study of patients who have difficulty paying attention to the left side of their environment has provided some of the first direct evidence that brain injury can cause detrimental functional changes in brain regions far from the site ...'
Wednesday, 19 October 2005   by
Early Life Stress Can Lead To Memory Loss And Cognitive Decline In Middle Age
'Irvine, Calif. -- Psychological stress during infancy has been found to cause early impaired memory and a decline in related cognitive abilities, according to a UC Irvine School of Medicine study. The study suggests that the emotional stress associated ...'
Thursday, 13 October 2005   by
Penn researchers discover the powerful tool of simultaneous fMRI and PET imaging
'By comparing these two functional images, physicians may be able to better diagnose and treat patients with brain disorders Philadelphia, PA) - Clinical researchers from the University of Pennsylvania Health System (UPHS) are the first to combine fMRI ...'
Wednesday, 12 October 2005   by
AIDS Inflicts Specific Pattern Of Brain Damage, Reveals UCLA/Pittsburgh Imaging Study
'A new UCLA/University of Pittsburgh imaging study for the first time shows the selective pattern of destruction inflicted by AIDS on brain regions that control motor, language and sensory functions. High-resolution 3-D color scans created from magnetic ...'
Tuesday, 11 October 2005   by
Scans show how HIV attacks brain
'HIV, which attacks the body's natural defences, also damages the brain, three dimensional medical scans have shown. The MRI images captured by a US team could show why up to 40% of people with HIV/Aids have neurological ...'
Tuesday, 11 October 2005   by
Study: Language part of right-handers' brain shifts with aging
'University of Cincinnati scientists have found that the site in the brain that controls language in right-handed people shifts with aging -- a finding that might offer hope in the treatment of speech problems resulting from traumatic brain injury or ...'
Monday, 3 October 2005   by
Liars' brains 'are not the same'
'Habitual liars' brains differ from those of honest people, a study says. A University of Southern California team studied 49 people and found those known to be pathological liars had up to 26% more white matter than ...'
Thursday, 29 September 2005   by
Real-time MRI helps doctors assess beating heart in fetus
'Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques can provide real-time measurements of volume in a fetal heart, and may better enable physicians to plan care for infants with heart defects, according to a new ...'
Thursday, 29 September 2005   by
'MELVILLE, NEW YORK, September 27, 2005 - FONAR Corporation (NASDAQ-FONR), The MRI Specialistâ„¢, today announced financial results for the fourth quarter and full year of fiscal 2005, which ended June 30, ...'
Tuesday, 27 September 2005   by
Scan limits 'will harm patients'
'European laws tightening the emission limits medical staff can be exposed to from scanners will stymie research and harm patients, warn UK experts. By 2008, the Physical Agents Directive will put limits on exposure of operating staff to electromagnetic ...'
Tuesday, 20 September 2005   by
News     News Refinements:  Contrast Agents  Devices  Financial  
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A common mistake that people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
- Douglas Adams
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